The Aftermath

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"Goodbye, Light-kun.."

The lanky detective muttered as he stood in front of Kira's lifeless corpse. L had known this day would come, he had even looked forward to it, but yet, now that his largest case was over, he too couldn't help but feel a little lifeless. But L had no intention of murning, he would be lieing if he said he hadnt lost a great deal of respect for Light after hearing what he had said to him when he was DEAD.

"This way, I saw him go in here!" Masuda yelled for Aisawa as they continued their search for Light, or at the least his body. L listened as the two mens footsteps grew faster and closer, he took one last look at Light as the footsteps stopped. Both Matsuda and Aisawa stared in horror and confusion at the man who they were certian was dead as L smiled at Lights dead body.

"I belive that i've said this before, Justice will preveil no matter what." L turned to face the men, "I'm guessing Matsuda is resposible for the bullet wounds, correct?"

Matsuda stared wide eyed at the sugar devouring man, and hesatently nodded.

L walked down the bloody stairs and patted Matsuda on the sholder. "You did good." he said encoraging the younger man, it being the first time L hadn't called him an idoit.

"What the hell is going on here? How are you-"

"Aisawa, As expected I understand that you and Matsuda both are as of now deeply confused, and I assure you that I will explain everything you need to know to both you, and what remains of both the task force and the SPK. But for now, please take care of Lights body. Kira or not, i'ld rather not have him rot on these stairs."


Has something so dramatic and life changing ever happened in your life that completely corrupts your ideal perception on the world? Something that happens so quickly, yet has the after effects worth a eternity? That very something happened to me. It taught me something unforgettable.

This world is rotten.

There is nothing that's rotting faster than this world, each day that passes you can hear and see just how awful things have gotten. Death, rape, abduction, starvation, sickness, murder, and so much more. Was the world destined to be like this? Such a dreadful place where there isn't a person in the world who can ever be granted eternal happiness? Humans truly are sicking. They look down on others just to give themselves a moment of pleasure.. So.. Let me ask you something, if you could change all that.. Would you? Take away others suffering even if it meant putting their suffering onto yourself?

I already know who your comparing me to, but let me get something straight, the only thing Kira and I have in common is our perception of the world. I was not loved by my parents and groomed into the perfect child. I was not the handsome popular guy every girl wanted to be with and every guy wanted to be, and I don't use people for my advantage. But go ahead and ask me if I would use a Death Note, the answer is yes.

Things just didn't turn out that way though. I never was the one to have a Notebook of Death dropped into my hands unlike that prick Light Yagami.. My story is completely different. No, OUR stories are completely different. You all know how the story ended, right? Kira finally got what he deserved, but not without the sacrifice of three of the smartest men in the world. Lawliet, Michael, and Mail. Other lives where lost, but none as important as these three. A new L is in charge, one you all refer to as Near, or Nate.

At least, that's what we all thought. L had planed this all from the very beginning, and in the end, he lived. Some of you may be wondering, how is this possible? You saw him die, you saw him have a heart attack, you even saw his funereal. Well, some of you might be glad to know that that's not exactly the case.

I would love to explain to you the events that had happened between L's fake death, but sadly even I, third to succeed, do not know. I'm not even positive #1 or #2 know. But I am sure someday the truth will be told.

Yeah.. someday everything will become clear.

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