1: hell like life

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Evreyday I wake up wishing I never existed because of my horrible life. Today I woke up by the sound of my noisy alarm. It's 3:30, I need to hurry up, and no my school does not start at this time. My paret force me to clean the house, cook, and buy greocery before going to school and if I didn't I get bunishment. My parent are not kind with me, they treat me like a maid not like thier daughter.

I got up and started cleaning, then cooking, the food smells so good bu I can't have some 'cause if i did I will be bunishe by my parents, they always say "if you want food work and buy your own food" they never spent money on me and my needs. All the time grandmma was taking care of me tell she passed away two years ago. I was so depressed but soon got over it.

Now I'm on my way to school or like I call it 'hell' the place I hate the most, were I always got bullied. When I entered the school I tried to hide and run to class as fast as possible before I get noticed by my bully, but like always, luck is not on my side, I faild "why are hiding lil ugly nerd?" He asked, I turned to look at my back to face him. I hate him so much, I don't know why I liked him before but now I really hate him, I mean yes he is hansome and mascaulare but he is also known as the playboy. Yes we are talking about the jeon jungkook.

I stayed scilent not knowing what to say, he looked angry waiting too long for an answer. He really look scary when he is angry, you would feel the fear when you see his face. He steped closer and bunished my stomach "that's for making me wait too long" he said as he walked away. Boys and girls started laughing and wispering.

I went to the class and sat on my usual seat at the very back of the class, like always, sitting alone 'cause I have no friends. I sat there looking outside the window when someone stood in front of my desk and slamed his hand on the desk, I looked up and saw her.... and 'her' is an eivil, popular girl in the school, she is one of the million lovers of jungkook, she is the 'dark princess' tzuyu. "How dare you make my kookie angry, he is always in a bad mood because of you, you don't get anything from him nor anyone else, you're such an ugly, useless, worthless nerd, how does your parent even except you" well they don't and I'm used to hear those words even tho it hurts and it make me want to cry I never do, I never show that side of me. How much I wish I could fight back but I'm weak, and also I don't want any trouble and bunishment from my parents so I never do. Luckly school year is going to end soon and I'll transfare school. Tzuyu went back to her seat when the teacher came.

When I walked to the cantien to buy food and was on the way to the rooftop. I stoped by seeing the most popular 3 boys in school, 'oh, that does not seem to be good' they are actually enemies, now everyone was watching cause a battle was about to start, well, it's somehow wierd 'cause people say they used to be friends bu turned to enemies for an unknowen reason, they were seven 'taehyung, suga , jungkook, and four others that I don't know. They were giving eachother dead glares, but soon were stoped by the principle passing by. I then run to the roof top, I stoped at the door when I saw 'her', tzuyu. She walked pass me and spill her juice on top of my head. I ran to the restroom hearing laughter all the way there  I saw her smirk , how much I want to erase that smirk from her face, that girl aghh.

After class I want home, my parents were not home yet, I need to go to work and clean the house before, but there is not much time, so I did what I could do and finish from cleaning, but there is still more, took a bath, changed my clothes and went to work.

I finished my work and went back home, I opened the door to be greeted by my angry parents, I knew that would happen. They told me to clean the hole house, but it was worse than when I left. After a while I finished cleaning, and they told me to cook a lot of food. They started eating while I was watching them hungerly, when they finished I washed the dishes and went to study form my exam.

I stayed up late trying to study hardly keeping my eyes open. I studied and studied tell I fell asleep not knowing when. I woke up not able to move, I forced my body to walk and do my daily routine and went to school.

I finished the exam and went to get some food when 'he' stoped me "hey, smartie nerd, you're going to help me in tomorows exam" he said "sorry... I-I can't help you c-cheat" "well, you will weither you like it or not" he said angerly and started bunshing me tell he was done. I went to class and there was wath was expected.........

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