4: Revenge

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Jimin POV

She ran away while crying, what did I do or say wrong so she would cry. I followed her to make sure she would arrive to wherever safely, because you know when someone is crying they don't pay attintion to the way they're going. I lost her in a crowd of people gathered around the street, how come?, am I really that short. I descieded to go an grap some coffee from the café near by. I used the short way wich goes through an old place, it's the first time I come here, I noticed a grave but my eyes landed on her with a boy whos back was facing me, she looks scared, the fear is vissible in her eyes and also sadness. 'Who is he?, and what is he doing with her' I asked myself, I shrugged it off and contineu my walk. 'What if he was trying to rape her?, I should help' 'no,that's non of my buisness, and if he was going to rape her she would scream for help' there was a fight between the devil and the angel. "What a-are you go-going to do?" I heared her say "p-please d-don't, I-I I beg you"she begged "someone p-please help, someone h-help" she screamed. I ran back there and stood between them "back off" I said and looked at his face only to be shocked.

D.O my enemie from dance class, what does he have to do with her? - and why did he stop dancing for four years and come now like a beginner not dancing well, he was the top but now no longer is-

"Not before I take my revenge"


"Not before I take my revenge" revenge!.... I'm the one who should be doing this, he killed my brother, the only one who cared about me also my grandmather. Is he talking about what I did that day.... is he taking revenge for that......


I was walking back home from my date with Do kyung-soo and of course he was with me now, we walked through the alley when my brother jimin came, and as always they started a fight, but this time they went too far with it. "You went too far with that" Do kyung-soo said as he bulled two........ guns! fromhis pocket and pointed them on my brother and started shooting him. I was standing there scared not knowing what to do nor believing what is going on. My brother avoided the shoots and succesfully graped Do kyung-soo's hand causing the gun to fall. Do kyung-soo flinshed free and shoot again but this time it hit my brother but it didn't stop him from fighting.

I got in and tried to stop them only to be bushed harshly to the wall, I was trying to think of something that would stop them when my eyes landed on the gun do kyung-soo droped. I took it and pointed it at him, and shoot but because I was bad at shooting and that my hands were shaking I shoot his leg. One of Do kyung-soo's friend came to help him up and took him to the hospital. I ran to my brother and held him in my hands "I'm so sorry, I-I should have believed you" I said crying " I forgive you, we all make mistakes, now stop crying because I don't like to see those beautiful eyes of yours tearing" he said with a smile -how can he smile now- and with that he let the last breath out of his lungs. I cried very loud causing people to gather around and call an emmbolance. That's when I lost trust in boys. The only thing I knew about Do kyung-soo after that was that he couldn't dance fo four years.

End of flashback~

"Because of you my dreams are gone" he shouted at me. "You're saved now but remember I'm gonna make sure yoy suffer, just like how you did to me and even more" " my comeback is not going to be easy" he said and left me with that jimin guy -it's hard to say his name without crying- he turned to face me and asked if I was okay I nod and he acompanied me home, it looks like he wanted explnation but kept his qeustions. He would always be so close to me even if I back away he would come closer, he is a pervert boy, he must learn abou personal space. I got inside my house and took a nap. 'I guess not all boys are the same' I thought with a smile.


Be ready for what's coming Y/N

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2018 ⏰

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