The Sun

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I woke up to my head feeling like it was split in half, I was so confused. I looked around and saw I was in bed. Then I remembered everything, I looked down at the bed. It had all been a dream, meeting some gorgeous girl in a band and then making out with her before, I presume, dying. I hate weird dreams. I eventually nodded back off again as it was still dark outside.

When I woke up it was more light outside, my head still felt like shit, scratch that, I felt like shit. I must have got hungover or something. I eventually managed to open my eyes a bit more and saw where I was, a bunk. I looked to my left and saw the bus moving and then when I looked over to the right, I saw Hayley standing there looking at me and then she said, "boo."

I crapped it and shot up in the bed, only to hit my head on the bottom of the bunk up from mine.

"Well done" said Hayley sarcastically as she lay me back down again, trying to be gentle with my head. 

"What the fuck" I said delusional, hitting my head didn't help matters either. 

"How are you feeling?" asked Hayley, slightly concerned sounding.

"Was that sarcastic too?" I asked her in return, this made her laugh.

"Maybe, but seriously though" she said, now more serious.

"I mean, it feels like I've been battered by a hammer so, take that how you want. What happened, anyway?" I asked her, because I still had no clue as to how this whole situation happened.

"Um, well" she was starting to go red with embarrassment, "you came here after our show for a while and it was awkward to say the least" she rubbed the back of her neck, still bright red, "You had a brief conversation with Josh and he basically told you that he was still my boyfriend, which he isn't" she added that last part very quickly before continuing, "I got really mad and sort of, uh, made out with you in front of him and he...didn't like that, so he shoved you into the table across from the couch where he was sitting and you sort of hit your head on the side of the table, PLEASE DON'T BE MAD!" she said rather quickly.

"So all that really did happen, huh?" I asked her.

"Uh....yeah" she said bashfully, rubbing her arm with her other hand.

"Don't worry, I'm not mad" I said, smiling. She looked up at me, making sure I was telling the truth and then started to smile widely in response. 

"Thanks, Paul" she said hugging me as I continued laying on the bed. 

"Where's George?" I asked, genuinely curious. How was I going to get home anyway? I mean, the bus was moving.

"He told us you live in Nashville, which is actually where we come from so, he took his car home on his own and, you weren't exactly in a state to be moved so, we told him that we could take you back with us and drop you off."

"Wow, thanks a lot Hayley. That means a lot, you didn't have to" I said to her.

"It was no problem, you're just lucky you lived near us then" she laughed at her own statement and then started for the main area at the front of the bus, "See you soon, Paulie."

God damn it, George. I hate that fucking nickname. Still, even though it was Hayley who called me it, I found myself not getting mad at her. That's weird...

"Ugh, God" I said resting my head on the pillow again after my encounter with the bunk above me had killed a few more brain cells, or at least it felt like it. I felt in my trouser pocket and, thankfully, my phone was still in there. I flipped it open and checked the time, 7AM. I wasn't exactly sure how long I had been out for and what time I had been knocked out at, or even how long we'd been driving for. I decided to get up. I swung my legs over the side and then realised I was on one of the bottom bunks, thank God. I wouldn't even know how they managed to get my ass on the bottom bunk, let alone one above it. I slowly walked into the main area where Hayley, Zac and Jeremy were, the other two guys must have been still asleep.

Songs About Hayley (A Hayley Williams FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now