Chapter 4

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-draco's pov-

I walk into the great hall i walk over to the slytherin table and sit down. I sit with pansy, blaze, and Derrick at the end of the table is iris siting by herself because her friend are gryfandor and her cousin Erica is in huffelpuff. When we bumped into each other in the hall her glasses fell off she had beautiful eyes so blue there almost white. "Draco. Draco! come back to earth!" i hear pansy scream at me."Sorry just a little destacted today" i say. I get up and leave the table.

-iris's pov-

I see Draco leaving the great hall which is odd because he like to hang out with his friends at lunch. I get up and leave the great hall walk to the head students common room hoping it would be empty. I get stopped on the way there "hello miss.white why are you not in the great hall?" i hear behind me. Only one person calls me 'miss.white' "i could ask the same quiestion. Alexander." i say turning around. "I am actually...... going to my room so bye". I ran to the room. It wasnt empty Draco was sitting on the coach in front of the piano. I try just to walk by "iris? Can i ask you something?" he ask turning to me. "Of corse. " I say " why are girls so ......... different than boys i mean dating wise" he ask "well one hormones two some girls are shy and want to hide there self because there scared of rejection or somthing has happen in the past that there scared of happening again." i tell him now sitting beside him. He looks at me. He leans in "what about you?" i tence up "what do you mean draco?" i ask him. Before i could think he was kissing me then i pull away. He looks at me with a look thats either confused or sad. "Sorry." he says in a sad kind low voice. "Its fine " i say then i look over at the piano. "Good night" i get up and walk to my room

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