You Find a Note Tucked Between the Pages of an Old Library Book

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I walked into the library and stopped right inside the enterance. I take a deep breath and take in the smell of books. There were books everywhere, and that is exactly how I liked it. My library was my escape, and I was there so often that the librarians knew me by name and I knew them. 

I walked up to the reception desk to turn in my books and Rachele smiled at me as I walked up and lifted the bag that was stuffed to the seams with books. "You are back already, Johanna!?" I smiled back at her. 

"Well, Rachele, you know me! I really don't have any time to do anything else but read!" We both laugh and Rachele begins to check the books back in. "So, Rachele, tell me, how's Emma and Rosaline?" She smiled and set the books on the counter next to her. 

"They are doing great. Rosaline lost her first tooth last night!" 

"That's amazing! She must have been so excited when the tooth fairy came." Rachele nodded and continued to check out the books. She came across the book "A Child Called It" and she looked at me, hesitating. 

"Haven't you read this before?" I nod, and her eyes narrow with concern. "Johanna, this is a very depressing book, are you sure you should be reading this?" I sigh and look at her with a sincere look. 

"Rachele, I am fine. Reading that is just because I like how he got out of his situation in the end." She sighs and checks in the book. I look at the computer as awkward silence fell between us. "So, hows Jenna?" She looked like she was trying to not smile, but her happiness couldn't be contained and her white teeth glistened as she smiled widely. 

"I proposed on Thursday. And she said yes!" I let out a quiet and excited scream and hugged her over the counter. She hugged me back and when I pulled away, she had tears of joy streaming down her face. "The wedding is in June, we wanted a summer wedding, so June 21st is the date." 

"I am so happy for you Rachele! I hope that someday I will love someone as much as you love Jenna. " She checked out my last book and grabbed my hand lightly. She smiled at my so softly that I felt light and bubbly inside my chest. 

"You will Johanna." She hands me my bag and points to the conference room. "We have some new books in, if you want to go check them out." I nod and thank her, and walk into the conference room. I gasp as there were piles of books that were taller than me. I curse loudly as I bump into a pile of books and they fall to the ground. I drop my bag and begin to pick them up and stack them again, when I come across a book that appeared to be very old. 

The cover was blue, and it looked like it was a journal of some sort. I open it and a small piece of paper flutters to the ground. I pick up the paper and look at it. The message was one cryptic word. Duck. "What's that suppose to mean?" I hear a noise behind me and I scream and duck as a blue box rushes in from no where and lands next to me. 

I slwoly rise to my feet as the door opens and a man in a smart blue pinstripe suit, with red converse and 3-D glasses on. His hair is teased up in messy spikes, and he has sideburns. And he just flew into the conference room from no where in a blue polic box. He smiles at me and I can't bring myself to close my jaw, which is hanging open in shock. 

"So, you got my message, that's good, wouldn't have wanted to hurt you. Not when we finally got to meet again and I upheld my promise that I made to you so many years ago." I laugh slightly, trying very hard not to panic, but the panic was welling in my chest and threatening to break out. 

"Who the Hell are you!?" He narrows his eyes. 

"I'm the Doctor, you don't remember me?" I shake my head. 

"Doctor Who?" He sighs and takes a few steps towards me. My brain is screaming at me to run, but something inside is telling me to stay put. He takes off his glasses and he stares at me with soft and cofused chocolate eyes. 

"How do you not remember me? It was not that long ago." I shrug and he crosses his arms. "Well, there is only one way to make you remember." He holds a hand to the open door of the police box. "Go in." I look at him, and his face tells me that he is not joking. I sigh and walk slowly through the door. 

Then I run out. I run around the box, then run back in. Then I run back out and look at him. "Its bigger on the inside!" He smiles and me and I laugh like a silly fangirl. I run back in and look around at the console, and just around. He walks back in and the door closes behind him. 

"So, do you remember now?" I turn around and look at him. 

"Look, I am sorry that I dont remember whatever you want me to remember. I really am. But, can I come with you and try to remember?" He smiles. 

"Of course? Where and when shall we start?" I smile. 

"Can we go back and meet my dad? At least so I can see him?" His smile widens. 

"Yes we can, and I think that traveling will be much more fun when you remember who you are and where you come from." He flipped a switch on the console and the box began to move. "The T.A.R.D.I.S recognizes you. Its taking you home." The T.A.R.D.I.S stops and he opens the door. I step out and stare at the planet. "Welcome back to Gallifrey, the planet of the Time Lords." 



Okay, so this is because I am such a Doctor Who fan and the prompt seemed to be the perfect time to do something like this, so yea. Enjoy! Remember to comment or message the title of your story so I can read it. Until tomorrow!


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