A Very Supernatural Christmas (Dean Winchester/OC Sam Winchester/OC)

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(I totally stole that from season 3 episode 8)(My OC Lane and my friend's OC Kylie)

    Christmas dawned bright and sunny, snow covering the ground, birds chirping, and a distinct lack of the Winchester brothers.

    Lane and Kylie met in the hall, still in their pajamas.

    “Was Dean there when you woke up?” Lane asked, grabbing Kylie’s arms for support.

    Kylie shook her head. “He was gone.”

    “Damn it!” Lane yelled and ran to her room. She returned moments later, pistol in her hand. “Come on, let’s check downstairs.”

    Kylie pulled her knife from her pocket and pressed it to her side.

    She gave Lane a quick nod and Lane led the way down the stairs.

    Sam, Dean, Lane and Kylie had been living together for a year. They were rarely at their house because of hunts, but they spent holidays there, along with Lane, Sam, Dean and Kylie’s birthdays.

    But they didn’t celebrate much either. None of them had ever been much for Christmas, nor were any of them catholic. Sure, Lane gave some attention to pagan holidays and the like but no Catholic holidays.

    But Kylie had mentioned wanting to do Christmas this year.

    Kylie couldn’t see past Lane’s shoulder, but she did watch the movement of Lane’s arm as it dropped the gun to the couch.

    In their living room stood a tree.

    A giant tree.

    A giant ass, fully decorated, Christmas tree.

    Complete with presents, stockings filled to the brim, a roaring fire and Sam and Dean.

    While Lane surged forward to throw her arms around Kylie’s boyfriend’s neck, Kylie just stood in shock.

    “Sam,” Lane told him, “this is...beautiful.” She turned to Dean. “Did you two do this?”

    Dean nodded, shy smile crossing his lips.

    “It’s...it’s beautiful.”

    “Yeah well you and Kylie mentioned wanting to do Christmas so we figured...” Sam shrugged, shooting Dean a look.

    “Thank you.” Lane sniffed and Dean realized she was actually crying tears of joy. “Kylie, come give your amazing boyfriend a hug. He fuckin’ deserves it.”

    Sam grinned at Kylie as she leapt into his arms.

    “Thank you, Sam.” She muttered, burying her face in his neck.

    Dean cleared his throat awkwardly.

    “We should start on presents.” Sam decides, letting Kylie out of his grip.

    Kylie got a sweater from Dean and a knife from Lane, both of which were beautiful and both of which she loved. She looked up at Sam, trying not to look too entitled.

    He smiled and lowered himself from the couch.

    Lane and Dean smirked. Because it was about damn time.

    Sam lowered himself to one knee and held out a small navy blue box.

    Lane recognized the symbol as Celtic and a promise of forever as well as being a protection charm.

    Because these four couldn’t protect themselves enough.

    When Kylie nodded through tears of joy, throat constricted, Dean whooped and Lane popped a flask from between the cushions.

    Sam grinned and leaned up to kiss her.

    Lane got two books from Sam, one Greek and one Latin, both needing to be translated before use. She got a handmade card from Kylie promising a trip to get that new tattoo she’d been talking about and a new knife from Dean, blade made of priceless gems and hilt made of pure iron.

    Sam got books in return, some lost-and-only-recently-found novels by Hemingway and Poe from Lane, a bottle of really, really good whiskey from Dean and a leather bracelet from Kylie.

    Dean got a new computer to replace the one he trashed the previous week from Lane, a book about vampire hunting from Kylie written by someone who obviously thought it was a bunch of bull crap and a replacement pair of boots from Sam.

    After a home cooked meal and hours of sitting around playing with new blades, reading new books and a lengthy lecture from Lane about the Ancient Greeks later, Sam was grinning and pulling Kylie up to their bedroom to celebrate their engagement and Dean and Lane were sitting side-by-side on the couch.

    Lane pointed to the screen and Dean turned his attention from her profile to “A White Christmas,” playing on the TV.

    Bing Crosby pulled Rosemary Clooney behind the giant Christmas tree and Dean realized how to do it.

    He vaguely, somewhere in the back of his mind, Lane saying this was her favorite movie so he pulled the mug of hot cocoa from her hands and lifted her from the couch.

    Lane stared at him, bewildered, mind racing a mile a minute.

    Dean pulled her behind their tree and Lane realized what he was doing.

    She laughed quietly.

    “You’re a sap, Dean Winchester.”

    He shrugged. “I’m allowed to have chick-flick moments every now and then.”

    Lane chuckled and hung her head. “Yeah, I guess.”

    Dean takes her calloused hand in his own and slides a ring on.

    “I don’t mean like...an engagement...I mean...I did some research. And I am. I mean...this ring.”

    “It means eternal love.” Lane provides.

    Dean nods. “Exactly. And I’m...hell, I’m hoping this isn’t some huge mistake but...I know how much you love this stuff and well...I...I love you. So...”

    Lane twists the ring on her finger and makes a split second decision. She rises up on the balls of her feet, wraps her arms around Dean’s neck and kisses him.

    “I’m not calling you Bing.”

    Dean chuckles. “And I’m not calling you Rosemary.”

    Lane kisses him again.

    “Fair enough.”

A Very Supernatural Christmas (Dean Winchester/OC Sam Winchester/OC)Where stories live. Discover now