Moving #1

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"Bye mum" I said while running down the stairs since I was going to bed late for my plane
"Bye honey and make sure you come back as an idol"
My mum always knew how desperate I was for this so she always supported me in everything I did but then my dad on the other had let's just say we never really got along. As I open the front door I see the taxi waiting there for me so I quickly said my last goodbyes and ran to the taxi with my large 2 suitcases and a handbag. I got in and told the driver to go to the airport and hurry because my flight was in 30 minutes.

I arrived at the airport 10 minutes later since I didn't live that far from it. I quickly gave the money got my luggage and ran to the check in plane to send my luggage off and wait for my gate to open. As I was heading towards duty free I head the man in the loud speaker call out, any last flights so Seoul (South Korean) please bored now the hat will close in 2 minutes. As soon as I heard that I dashed passed everyone trying to find my gate number and when I saw it the woman standing there was about to close it just when I approached her and gave her my ticket.
"Ah your just on time otherwise you would have missed you flight make sure it doesn't happen again" she said nicely but with a firm tone
"Sorry" I said while looking down in embarrassment
Once she gave me back my ticket I got my thing and ran to the plane. I showed the air hostess my ticket and she escorted me to my seat. Luckily this flight was not full so I have the whole row to myself.

**Skip to end of flight**

I had just woke up when I hear the pilot announcing that we have reached in Seoul
I lifted the window and looked down, I saw
A big city full of colour and people I was excited but also scared since I didn't know that much Korean so I'm practically screwed

thanks so much for reading this this is my first fan fic so ignore any mistakes I make.
Anyway way hope you enjoyed the next par will be out soon

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