Gossip #18:

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There seemed to be a stereotype for everything. The typical jock constantly working out, always energetic, and having no intentions of success whatsoever. The bratty preps who thought too highly of themselves, showing off the best brands and knowing the latest everything. There were the stoners, the loners, the one who wrote tragic poetry about one another and every emotion that they would fire up with their depression problems. Ah, and the unforgettable drama geeks who couldn’t be any more obnoxious, loud, and distracting.

No matter what clique existed, Monica fell in none of those categories, and she couldn’t help but feel like a complete loser. At least the weird goth kids had people that they attached themselves to. Monica had no one, especially since Daniel was in hiding, Eric was pissed, and she had completely kicked off all her exes.

Ex friends.

Gossip had went around about the four finally ruining their relationship for good and Monica couldn’t help but feel kind of mad. If it hadn’t gotten around so fast, she could have done something dramatic with it. Taking it out on public, or something. And speaking of gossip, Monica reminded herself. She reached over and grabbed her phone, checking the screen for the fifteenth time that had.

She glared at the screen. She did not know who a Kyle was and she also didn’t know what she had to do with his guy. Sure, she would be flattered if there was a dorky little stalker from her school admiring her from far, but she had never gotten this text and all her texts are from privates like The Palace, her mother, and definitely not the Rosettes. Believe it not, she still had the contacts of all her friends, all under the same name of “Unknown”.

Monica kicked her feet up above the dashboard, the same way she had a few weeks ago and sighed, leaning her head against the head rest. She was tired, too worn down and she could probably have slept right there, and then when a familiar figure came hovering over her window.

It was Eric, this time looking slightly more mad than he was before.

She rolled down the window and looked out, glaring at him. It wasn’t very hard to remember the last time she had let him inside the vehicle. “What’s wrong with you? I thought it wasn’t your time of the month yet.”

“That’s not funny,” Eric stated, a heavy hand on the hood of the car. “Tell me, what happened between you and Michelle?”

Monica groaned, tossing her head back. The name Michelle was absolutely everywhere and she didn’t want to have it coming from Eric. “Nothing happened between us. God, what is up with you? Are you, like, sexually attracted to that thing?”

“At least that thing can speak the truth,” Eric snapped, grabbing for the door. Monica sped her hand to the lock button before the door could open and gave Eric a small smile, rolling her window up to about an centimetre. “What did you tell her? About us?”

“What about us?” Monica challenged, glaring up at Eric. “Are you ashamed of the truth?”

Eric scoffed, tossing his head back. “You should know, there is no us anymore. Especially after you left.”

“Why?” Monica squealed, tossing her hands up in the air. “First Michelle, now you. Everyone is blowing at my face for making the right decision. Eric, face it! If I had stayed, we would probably have twins by now. And my life would turn out to be a complete riot.”

Eric pulled his hair back, taking deep breaths. “Why would you even bother telling Michelle about anything between us? She thinks I tried to rape you.”

“Didn’t you?” Monica asked, raising an eyebrow. “Did she start defending?”

“Defending what?” Eric snarled, his eyebrows dancing over his forehead. Just like they did when they were mad. Monica definitely remembered that. Before, when they could actually make it through a complete twenty four hours before yelling ate ach other. “Monica, she has no right to know anything, okay?”

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