Gossip #8:

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Michelle stood in front of the large Palace gates, waiting for someone to glance out their window and recognize the girl standing, desperately waiting. Just add the rain and the whole scene would be complete.

The Palace looked slightly different from the last time she’d seen it. The gates were getting rusty along the edges and there was moss growing on the side of the stone bordering works around the mansion. The stones were jagged and looked awfully crooked, facing every other way. The sidewalks even seemed to be dying down, the edges chipped off from the vehicles cornering in one the edges as minor pranks. The whole place seemed to be slightly lop-sided, but still, the place looked as radiant and homey as it was when the founding families had built it.

Michelle glanced up at one of the towering buildings to the left, squinting at the large skylights glimmering under the bright sun. It was like Jamaica, the sun’s horrible wrath glaring over top of the place, burning skins and shattering eye sight. Through the window, she could have sworn she saw someone peer down at her, this wistful Mona Lisa smile on their face. It definitely wasn’t a man for the small and round shoulders and the longer shaped legs. She looked like royalty from up there, even though Michelle had no idea who she was even looking up to.

But the girl on the other side sure did. It was Monica, her blonde hair in a messy up-do, her bodice draped around in velvet fabric Ethine, the German maid, had put her in for the morning. Saturday used to be her day to rock orange, but she had recently converted to purple. She glowered down at the dark brunette with flawless skin, a perfect body in a small orange shift dress.

“I can’t believe she’s actually here,” Monica started, glaring down at the girl. She spun around, her hands on her hips, her eyes spreading judge all over Eric who was posing in front of the mirror like some twelve year old boy having a major crush on some upper class girl. “What is wrong with her? Why does she think just because she’s a Kat Von she can arrive without invitation?”

Eric pursed his lips, staring at himself through the mirror. His thick eyebrows were pushed together and his eyes narrowed under the dimensional brow bones. He looked ridiculous, it was a proven fact.

After Andrea’s huge outbreak at the ball, it had been the new talk of the town, and for all that Monica cared, it had nothing to do with her. The blog posts, the messages, nothing had her anymore. Monica was always the centre of attention but it seemed like the girl got a taste of her own medicine. She was practically a nobody now. Andrea was under the spotlight the girl didn’t even want.

Monica had been a model for the dress for over two hours after an exhausting connected flight and she didn’t even get the slight bit of recognition she deserved. If it weren’t for that stupid bitch, she would be everywhere in the Sherry Hill design she was in.

“I invited her,” Eric finally huffed. He turned around, his strong chin and supported jaw creating a large shadow over his neck. Eric had the features of a male supermodel, as hard as it was to admit. As a young boy, he had been signing modelling agencies and as a Van Verona, it was just another thing to sign up on his resume and forget entirely.

Monica rolled her eyes, her arms folded. “Why?”

“She wanted to speak to Daniel, but I thought I would save the girl from her misery by as a distraction.”

Monica frowned. Since when did Daniel and Michelle speak? Back when Monica was the queen bee, the two had practically hated each other and never talked when Monica put the two together to watch her tennis matches. It was ridiculous. How close could they be now? It seemed like a lot of things changed from when she left.

And Michelle better know that there was no way she was standing a chance against Monica.

“Well I better get her,” Eric whistled as he glanced out the window.

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