Here comes another one (Tag #3)

28 5 23

1.Mention who tagged you
2.Do it in less than 10 days
3.Tag 28 people
4.Put a title to this tag
5.Tell a joke
6.Write a spoiler to one of your books
7.Put these rules in the tag
8.Tell 10 things about you

1- I've been tagged by Crimson107

2- The chapter came out just like a few days ago so I guess I'm good.

3- I tag:

3amEmo / SmolBeeboBean / heyimcrazypuggie / -CheersMate- / All_Ships_Sail_123 / Punk_Rock_Puppy / PutTheRosesDown / frnkatiero / Phanic_attheClique_ / notsoconventional- / PrincessRyro / skunkberry99 / MarkusFromMars / @ChokeYourself2Sleep / bedless_galaxies / RipFranksBlindsYee / My_Chemical_Stump / Bellatwixlestrange / WowieMommaSatan / _youre_gay_ / _ThePhoenix21_ / SuchTexasMuchForever / Junicorn69 / AllAmericanBren / panicgameplays / Jalex-is-relz / _Yeemo__Trash_ / queer_and_here_

4- Done

5- When does emos sleep?

At nine in the afternoon!

Why couldn't Pete and Gerard join the Black Parade?

'Cause they Went the wrong Way!

(I'm not funny, that's why I got help from internet)

6- No new books in view right now

7- Just scroll back to the beginning of the story

8- I'm not interesting

1) I play the drums (I failed my music exam), I sing, and I can play piano, trumpet, trombone. I really want to play guitare. But there are way too many people on the waiting list for guitare lessons

2) I want to move out of Europe to San Diego, CA

3) I love to play sudoku

4) I've ben through my pop-music phase

5) I still listen to my Walkman and LP's

6) When I was young, I saw MCR alive on the Gabba Gabba TV show (my mom told me)

7) I'm writing the script of the Forest Fic, hoping one day to make the movie.

8) My favorite animals are wolfs an seagulls

9) I want tattoos

10) I love autumn. It's beautiful, yet everything is dying.

A/N I'm on summer holiday and I'm bored. I don't got any friends to hang out with. I only got internet friends but they're always at the other side of the world. Help me pls.

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