A lone time ago

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Roxy POV
A long time ago I had a friend his name was Kiron. We were inseparable we were like a pb and j. I thing I did not new. When I went to college. Him and my dad arranged a wedding. But I was engaged to Rin. So this is what happens when your x friend but not yet, arranges a wedding with out your now of. Then guys mad that your marring his cousin. So let's begin it was a very nice day I picked out a wedding dress and cake. Then something weird happened I asked Rin what food his family liked. This is when something weird happened Rin said " tacos" so I thought what there Japanese and tacos are Mexican. So I asked Yukio if he likes tacos. He said " no". So I said " what do you like" he said " Sukiai" " Thankes" I said. I now something was wrong. I wrote the invites. Then, I went shopping for food because the wedding is in one week I really couldn't wait. When a demon girl gets married her full powers are unleashed there're stronger than the boy. I already picked my bridesmaids EV faith and Niagara. I'm not doing a demon wedding where the couple sucks the blood from human while the parents signed the well that when the baby is born it shall drink the same blood. I know weird so we're just at your national earth wedding. I have to cook double the meal a Japanese meal and a English meal. Also the cake I know that Rin should be helping but once you cook dinner last night he burnt the worst version of chicken nuggets. This is what I knew something was up something weird I could not put my finger on it. I don't know I mean life am I right one minute someone that you care about is cooking steaks the next he burned chicken nuggets. Then the Rin came in the room he said " Rox can you make me a pb and j with no crust" " But Rin peanut butter and jelly you hate so no" I said. So he said back to me " So do you have the human blood ready" then I said " We are having  a human wedding". "No when we were kids Ow" said Rin "We did not now each other when we where kids. What Kiron is that you" I said. "No, I just have amnesia. Yay I forget important things." Rin said. I thought for a moment am I important to Rin. I started wedding dress with my bridesmaids. My dress is a sleeveless with a puffy bottom with a flower decal at the bottom is a faded into a blue. My bridesmaids have the same but not so puffy and dose not faded into a blue. I told. (Rin)  that he was Kiron. So he hipnotised me I did everything he said but had some control over myself I was scared what was going to happen.

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