Chapter 17

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Before you skip this, this is important. Before you think Alpha is referring to Gage or Landon, it isn't. Its referring to that guy in the wooden shack. Picture on the side is of Landon! >>>

-Alpha's POV- (New POV)

I sat in the wooden shack, my temporary office, listening to a play list of her favorite songs. Some were too girlie for me, like Cher Lloyd, or Rihanna, but others were just what I liked. I sighed. I needed her. I needed the one thing I was born without: a mate. She was close by, I could feel it, but I couldn't go. He was with her. He was the one who stole her from me. And he will be the first to bow down to me. I sighed, looking at the picture that good for nothing scout, Claudia, snatched. My mate. The one woman I wanted to conceive and carry my children. My rogue Luna. I sighed, looking at her wavy raven black hair, her azure blue eyes. I needed her quickly, before I go insane. I need her under me. I need her in my bed. A knock made me pause the music, taking the earphones out of my ears. I looked up, to see one of my scouts.

"The pair of wolves by our base were not what we thought they were." The man panted. "It was her. She was with him."

My heart rate sped up, feelings of pleasure and warmth flooding at my core. She was near my home. But she, yet again, was with him.

"What was she doing there?" I snapped.

"They were playing in the ocean. It looked like a picnic date, sir." The scout said.

I growled at the thought of them, laughing, kissing, mating with each other. My wolf didn't want it. He wanted to snap that Alpha's neck.

"And?" I urged. I needed more of this story. I needed to know if she was hurt.

"She attacked me when I lunged at him. She's quite strong for a tiny sized wolf." The scout reported with a shrugged. My shoulders went stiff, my jaw clenching. He fought her? He hurt her? I shoved him to the wall, growling.

"You hurt her?" I growled.

The boy shook his head."N-no, sir. I let her pin me, since I couldn't hurt her. I knew you want her alive."

I let go of the boy, walking back to my desk. "Very well, you're dismissed." I grumbled.

The boy bowed, before fleeing from the shack.

-Avril's POV-

After arriving home, Landon dragged me to his room, locking the door behind us. His eyes were full of worry. His hands ran over my body, searching for any scrapes or scars, yet I had none. Landon then picked me up, shoving me onto the bed.

"If you hadn't of pushed me out of the way from that wolf, I would've been hurt. You deserve a reward." Landon said, a sly smirk on his lips. He started pulling off my bikini top, but I pushed his chest.

"Is this a reward for me? Or for you?" I asked him with a raised eyebrow.

"...Both of us." It sounded more like a question.

"Fine." I said, off my bikini top. Landon's eyes lit up, and he sucked in a breath.

I pulled Landon to me, capturing his lips with mine. Our lips moved in sync, as Landon reached for my bikini bottoms. He pulled them off, breaking away to look at my naked body. His eyes went big, before he kissed me again.

"Damn Av, you're beautiful. Stupid wolves not letting me see you first." Landon said between kisses.

I pulled his swim trunks off, throwing them onto the ground, before pulling Landon onto the bed, on top of me.

"Damn," I panted, as Landon rolled off of me.

"I know." He agreed, laying down next to me.

I put his arms around my waist, sighing. I was tired, especially after that. Landon snuggled up to me, planting a kiss on my mark. I moaned as the shocks travelled all over my body. Landon turned me so I faced him.

"You tired too?" He asked with a smirk.

I nodded, snuggling into his chest, before falling asleep.

-Landon's Pov-

It has been two weeks since we ran into that wolf man. Avril had just moved into my room, and tends to wake up earlier than I do, just to make both of us breakfast. I woke up to the smell of pancakes. I sat up, to see a plate of pancakes, left on the nightstand, Avril no where to be found. I noticed a second plate, a stack of half-eaten pancakes next to mine. That's when I heard the groaning from my bathroom. I got up, pulling on pajama sweats, and walking into the bathroom. Avril was kneeled by the toilet, heaving. She flushed the previous contents of her stomach down the toilet, before looking up at me.

"Are you okay?" I asked, my worry doubling at the sight of her pale face.

She nodded. "I just didn't cook the pancakes all the way through. Don't eat it, kay?" She said, as she washed her mouth at the sink.

I lead her out of the bathroom, making her lay down. I then took a bite of the pancakes. They tasted the same as always, no difference.

"They taste fine to me. Maybe you have a stomach bug. No leaving this room, okay?" I said, pecking her cheek. She grumbled an okay, before falling back asleep.

-Avril's POV-

I sat on the bathroom counter, not-so-patiently waiting for the five minutes to be up. I crossed my fingers, hoping it was just the stomach bug, and not what I think it is. The timer went off, and I hopped off of the counter, rushing to look at the small white object. I crossed my fingers closing my eyes.

Ya gotta look sometime, my wolf said. Or we'll not know. There is the chance. We've been with our mate for about a month now. Just look.

I slowly opened my eyes, and froze. It was just what I feared.

It read I was pregnant.

I looked at each of the five pregnancy testers I had used, but nope, they all said the same thing. I am screwed. I looked in the bathroom mirror, at my stomach. Now that I really look, I do have a slight bulge in my stomach. Not enough to where its noticeable, but still, its a baby bump. Before I could stop myself, I let out a quick, panicked scream. I sat on the toilet lid, my head in my hands. I didn't even bother to reply when Landon came pounding on the bathroom door, so he let himself in, stopping at the door. He came over to me, but froze, seeing the pregnancy testers.

"How...?" He trailed off, looking at me. "Are you okay? Is something wrong? Where does it hurt?" He asked.

I shook my head. "I thought we were going to wait. I didn't think I'd be this young when I had kids. I'm only seventeen, Landon." I looked at the clock. The time, 1 AM glared at me. "Well, eighteen. This isn't the birthday present I thought I'd get when I became an adult."

Landon just caressed my cheek. "Its okay, Avril. You'll be okay. Damn..." He ran his fingers through his disheveled hair. "I can't believe I'm going to be a parent."

"I know. I need to lay down." I said, throwing the pregnancy testers in the waste bin. Landon grabbed my hand, and pulled me back to bed. I'm going to be a mother. Holy shit.


Share your thoughts. Do you think Landon and Avril's relationship is going too fast? What do you think, of Avril being preggers? Should I have written more about the month before she found out that a little birdy's bringing a baby? What do you think of Alpha, and his actions towards Avril?

Anyways, this is the time I should ask:

Since Avril's having a baby(ies), why don't you comment with a name for one boy, and one girl? The top two that I like I just may use!

Like it? Dislike it? Love it? Hate it?




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