Not All Bad Boys Stay Bad! ~ The Vamps FanFic

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"Bradley Simpson, Connor Ball, Tristan Evans and James McVey to the princables office now!" The microphones screamed in each classroom and down the corridors.

"C'mon boys lets see what we've done now" Brad smirked as he sarcastically sighed.

Now Brad Simpson, Connor Ball, Tristan Evans and James McVey were just ordinary teenagers that go to secondary school like any other teen but they weren't very well behaved.

They liked to cause mischeif. Their group was called The Vamps, their leader and, main influence for the bad things they do, is Brad, he's 18 medium height, gorgeous brown curls and beautiful soft brown eyes. He got most of the attention from the girls.

Connor was Brad's best mate. He had blonde/brown hair which he always wore in a flick going off to the side. He had dazzling blue eyes. He too was 18 and medium height. Connor doesn't get as much attention from the ladies.

Tristan or Animal, as he is called by the boys, also has blonde hair which was also put in a quiff. He had shining blue eyes and is 18. Although he was very tall for his age. Tristan gets a fair amount of attention but not as much as Brad.

Then there is James. Once again he is 18 and tall for his age, infact very tall, he too wears his hair in a tall blonde quiff and hus best mate is Tristan. James gets a lot of attention from the ladies too.

As the boys walked into the head teacher's office they all smirked and looked cockyily at each other. The head master swivelled around in his chair.

"Hello again chaps" He started. "Take a seat" he continued. "Now do YOU think it is funny to put a bucket of water on top of the door of the staff room and soak a teacher from head to foot in bubbles and water!" he asked.

"Well duh or we wouldn't of done it" Brad argued "stupid" he muttered under his breath. "I'm telling you boys you are on your last chance. You have had too many in my opinion but I am willing to give you one more. Anymore of your stupid pranks and you will be expelled. You understand!?" the headmaster questions.

"Yeah!" The boys said in unison as they all smirked. "Get out of my sight the lot of you!" Their head master demanded.

The boys turned and left the office. "What's going to be our next prank Brad.. We need to get out of this shit hole we call a school!" Connor asked.

"Let. Me. Think!" Brad smiled as he planned their naughtiest trick that they will ever do.


Sorry if it is bad. I try my best. And yes I know James and Tristan aren't 18 but they have to be to be in secondary school. 

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