Chapter Two:

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The next day came around like a shoot. Brad and the boys met in their usual place. Behind the gym.

"Listen up boys! I have our next prank". Brad said in a hush as he pulled out four spray paints from his bag. "There is one for each of you. At lunch we spray the side of this gym with anything you can think of. After that we leave a wait to be caught!"

"Brad this is gunna be epic. This will so get us expelled for good!" Tristan exclaimed.

When the bell goes all the boys head of to their lessons. Three hours later lunch came around.

"The Vamps" missed their lunch and met by the gym again, "Boys get your cans out!" Brad hissed.

"Lets get spraying!" Connor yelled.

"Not so loud Con!" snapped James.

The whole of lunch time Brad, Connor, Tristan and James worked on their giant masterpiece on the side of the gym. It took 2 hours to do, so it ran into their next lesson but they didn't care.

Once they had finished spray painting the gym all four of the boys casually walked off like nothing had happened.

Only 30 minutes past when the boys were found out. "SIMPSON!!!" shouted the headmaster. It was so loud that everyone in the school could here it.

"You boys better go to the headmaster's office". Miss Lapin said. "C'mon then lads lets get out of this shithole.. finally!" Brad sneered. "What have you done now? This is your last chance gone". Leah said to Connor, she had liked him since the start of year seven.

Heads held high and a smirked plastered on their faces the four of them walked into the headmaster's office.

"This is the last straw with you Simpson and your little gang!" The headmaster snapped pointing at them all.

"Just say the words and we will be out of this shithole like a shot!" James argued back.

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