Chpt.One. -Plot-

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September 20,2020

Poetic P.O.V- I put another box in the moving truck and sat on the ground exhausted, I wipped the sweat from my forehead and look at my older sister house in front of me.

Me and her were living with each other for 3 years now, and now its time for me to move on with my life.

I just turn 20 last week and I found a apartment in another state, which is New Orleans. My older brother Kinney lives there so I know ima be good, I seen my sister Chrissy come out with my last box, Ive gotten up from the ground and help her put the box in.

"Oh my goddd I am going to miss you ssooo much" Chrissy said hugging me

"I'm going to miss you even more" I said hugging back

She let me go and smiled at me

" I know for a fact Kinney going to take care of you,but I still want you to be careful out there, and DONT go on the bad part of town" she said to me

"Girl, I'm not 12 relax ima be okay" I said with a laugh

"Okay okay , just make sure Kinney meet you half way"

I walked to the driver side "Alright Chrissy byee "

She ran up to me "Wait wait!, make sure to tell me if any Niggas hit your line up " she said with a smirk

"Biitch shut uppp" I laughed at her and got in, starting the truck

"I love you " she said at the car window

"Love you to, thank you for everything" I smiled

"No problem Poetic "

I pull out of her driveway and pulled off,Her and Kinney always treating me like I'm little , its cute I know they are just looking out for me.

They treated me like I'm their kid which they did, my mom wasn't really around after my Dad left us behind, she drank waay to much and he couldn't take it any more.

She usually drinks when we are low on food and dont have enough money, me and my two siblings was raise in a poor family.

We only get money every month and every time its one of our birthdays we rally get anything , we would be lucky if we had a cake or one gift.

But I'm kinda glad I was raise in a poor family because, it really open my eyes to the world. Like it made me think ' money don't give me happiness, money don't give me love or anything else' .

Yes I need money to buy things I really need but other than that I'm good, when I be in high school sometimes I wear the same thing but no one notices because I change them around.

One person notices though and that was my ex name Jordan, he really helped me out with my problems. We was dating until 12th grade, that's when he wanted to explore me sexually so,

he broke up with me because I didn't give him the cookie. Yeah I'm still a Virgin , I am going to give it to someone who I am in love with.


Few hours passed away and I was half way to New Orleans, I stop by a nearest gas station to wait for my brother. I park and got of the truck and got out, I went in the gas station texting Kinney where I am at.

All of a sudden I fell on the ground bumping into a person, I look up and he was wearing all black, he's very tall probably about 6'1 or 6'3, he have honey skin but a tiny bit darker , and his hair is jet black but really curly with a median hair under his chin.

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