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Mordern High School AU
Soulmate AU
The first words your soulmate speaks to you print out on your wrist. You cannot see the color of your soulmates eyes until you kiss them.
Inspired by the story Brown by LadyAlvera

~•Alexander's POV•~

I knocked on the door to Mr. Washington's room. “Yes?” I heard him call from the other side, which I took as a cue to come in.

“Ah Alex, come in, have you met John?”

I froze when I heard John Laurens' name. John Laurens hated me, he was a homophobic jerk that hated me because I was bisexual.

“Y-Yes sir, we keep meeting.”
“We keep meeting.”

John and I said this at the same time and shared a glance.

Mr. Washington cleared his throat to gain our attention.

“As I was saying, you two haven't been getting along lately so I'm partnering you up. You two will work on a project telling me about bullying and how we can prevent it. It will be due in two weeks, you may leave now.”

John grabbed his bag and swiftly left. I looked at Mr. Washington with uncertainty, before leaving behind John.

I caught up to him and stuffed my hands in my hoodie pockets.

“Here's my phone number. Call me whenever you need to discuss the project.”

He shoved a piece of paper at me and I took it, putting it in my hoodie pocket.

I watched as John rushed over to his friends Lafayette, and Hercules at their lockers.

I sighed and looked down at my wrist, which had the words printed on it in bold black curly letters,

Watch it, freak.

I knew John was my soulmate. That first day of school when I bumped into him, I watched the letters scrawl onto my wrist and I smiled.

~•Time Skip•~
•~John's POV~•

I mumbled a sea of curse words under my breath as I shut my locker.

I was partnered up with the guy that makes me gayer than the rainbow, but I make him think that I'm some homophobic jerk.

Alexander Hamilton.

He never spoke a word to me, and my wrist was blank as could be. (That rhymes)

I watched as he stood in a small circle, surrounded by the Schuyler sisters, his only friends from what I observed. He was talking eagerly and practically bouncing on his toes.

His gray, I'm assuming actually brown, hair bouncing with him.

The boy was so childish, and he looked so pure, and innocent. I just wanted to squish his squishable face.

Wait that's weird.

I turned back to my friends only to notice they had left, probably getting tired of waiting on me.

As I walked to my classroom I heard a shout and turned around to see Thomas Jefferson, Aaron Burr, and James Reynolds, pushing this guy named Samuel Seabury against a locker.

I dropped my books and ran over, pushing Thomas out the way so I could help Samuel.

“Back off, jerks!” I shouted, pulling Samuel behind me as I went to retrieve my things.

I picked up my stuff and nodded to Samuel, running off before he could thank me.

I eventually got to class and slid in my seat, only to look up and see none other than Peggy Schuyler walking up to my desk.

She slammed both hands down on my desk and glared at me right in the eyes.

“Hurt him. And I'll get my shotgun.”

She then smiled and skipped away humming loudly.

I made sure to add a mental note that Peggy Schuyler wasn't someone you wanted to mess with.

As soon as class started I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around to see yet again, another Schuyler.

Angelica Schuyler.

She smiled sweetly and batted her eyelashes, passing a note to me.

I opened it and it read,

Sorry about my sister, she's very overprotective of Alexander. She claims he's a cinnamon roll that needs protecting. However Alex has told us that he had a very large crush on you, which is why Peggy's convinced you'll break his heart. Seeing as how he's oh so convinced your homophobic and you'll hate him. That's all I had to say thank you!

P.S. Don't tell Alex I told you about his crush on you.

I ripped up the note, feeling my face get hotter and hotter.

I raised my hand quickly.

“Yes John?”

“May I go to the bathroom, please?”

“Go ahead.”

I practically jumped out my seat and ran out the classroom.

I opened the boys bathroom and froze when I saw none other than Alexander standing in front of a mirror.

I coughed loudly which made him jump.


He spoke. I looked down at my wrist just in time to see the period scrawl out and I smiled.

“Your my soulmate.”

Word count: 810

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