"Too Gay to Function"[Thaurens]

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Aaaa Galaxi noticed meee, I'm so happpyy!!
Okay but seriously if you didn't read my A/N last chapter, go read it. I don't want to tag Galaxi again-
Anywaaaaayy this was requested by Hyria_Cookie
If anyone has a request feel free to comment or PM me!

~•Thomas' POV•~

I heard the front door open and a, I'm assuming, happy squeal?

I was unsure if it was one of my cousins, coming back from work or school, or if it was one of my friends.

“Tommy, Tommy, Tommy!” I distinctly heard John Laurens, one of my best friends, call from the entrance hallway.

I chuckled as John came running into the sitting room, his phone in hand.

“They fucking made Mean Girls into a musical!” He shouted as he jumped onto the sofa and immediately hitting play on the first song to this new musical's sound track. (Okay, but seriously I'm obsessed with the Mean Girls musical)

I listened quietly as this first song played, not taking my eyes off of John's freckled face.

If I were being honest, I wasn't paying attention to the song at all. The only thing I was focused on was every perfect detail of this boy in front of me.

Yeah okay, he has a boyfriend, I have a boyfriend, but what's wrong with me liking someone else?

And maybe having the urge to kiss him..

Just a little urge..

The song ended and he looked up at me with that same sparkle in his eye.

“Isn't it so cool!” He smiled brightly.

I nodded, “Where's Alex?” I asked, scooting closer to him.

“He's been staying nights at work. It gets lonely at home.” John pouted fakely, poking out his bottom lip.

“I can stay with you.” I suggested. John looked at me once again, “Are you sure James wouldn't mind, you know he can get clingy.”

I nodded, biting my lip. “He won't have to know. Nobody needs to know.” I leaned closer to the shorter man.

John went to back up, but his back was to the arm of the sofa. I put a hand on his arm and pressed my lips to his.

I could feel him tense up, but he soon kissed back. I placed my other hand on his waist, pulling him closer to me.

~•John's POV•~

Thomas. Fucking. Jefferson. Is kissing me.


And I'm kissing back! Oh God, if Alex or James finds out we're both dead.

He pulled away, gasping for air.

“Should we head to your place?” He asked, releasing his grip on my arm.

I felt my face go beet red before stuttering out the most stupid thing possible.

“I-I'm a v-virgin.”

Thomas chuckled, “I won't try anything I promise.” He held his pinky out for me to take. I hesitantly shook pinkys with him before we left the apartment to head to my house.

~~Time Skip~~

I fumbled nervously with my house keys, finally managing to u lock the house.

It was already late, and Alex's car wasn't in the driveway, meaning another night he would be spending at work.

I opened the door and we both walked in, I was tired and by the look of Thomas' face he was just as tired.

“The guest bedroom is down that hallway, and the second door on the left.” I yawned right after saying, and pointing in the direction of the bedroom.

He nodded and right before he went down the hallway he whispered something in my ear.

“You make me 'To gay to function', John Laurens.” (totally a Mean Girls reference.) He purred in my ear before walking down the hallway. Leaving me a blushing mess, frozen in my spot.


I totally went somewhat overboard. So uh I hope this was good because it was indeed, semi-rushed. If you couldn't already tell. Also I totally snuck in some Lams and Jeffmads. Your welcome ;)

Word Count: 658

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