Love at first Pee.

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                                                                         Jieun's POV

Jieun was not having a fun day at practice for the Mama Awards, only because shes been worrying that she is pregnant. Not to get into too much detail but things happen and the the other mans true colors came out. As she finished going though her songs she noticed Jungkook from BTS doing something alone on the other side of the stage so she went to go see but as she gets closer she notices whats happening and tries to turn away, only to slip and fall on her bum. "Ow- Oh my god." She says when she feels something hot hitting her body and soaking right through her clothes. 

                                                                        Jungkook's POV 

Jungkook turns away fast to shove his pants back up, turning back to her. Only he turned TO fast and slips right in his own mess falling right on top of the girl he has watched from afar for a while now. As he falls he tries to catch him self and get his hand caught in her hair. "OW!" She yells out.

Love at MAMA /jungkook and iu/Where stories live. Discover now