Chapter 2

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        Beauty comes in different shapes
               and sizes like the beauty of the sun

       I walked into first period class and everyone was looking at me . Obviously that's because I was the last one to arrive but those stares did not make me less embarrassed.

Hello the teacher said

Hi my names is Dina and..

Ohh Dina your the new student right

Yes I'm

Well nice to meet you. I'm Ms. Wong you can sit wherever empty seat you want . Hmm let's see how about by Andrew there's a empty seat there.

Okay, but who's Andrew I asked her

Ohh sorry Andrew raise your hand so Dina can see who you're Ms. Wong said.

A tall skinny guy raised his hand. He had white skin and dark brown hair. His eyes were ocean blue. The seat he was siting at were in the back so that was a bonus.

I walked to the empty seat next to him and sat down.

Okay so now where was I , oh I remember now. my class is a easy A . unless you slack off and don't study for my tests. Ms Wong said.

This was going to be a tiring day I just knew it.


The bell rang signaling that first period was over. I got out of my seat and put my notebooks and pencil in my book bag. I took my schedule out just In case I needed it.

I was halfway to the door when Andrew said

What class are you heading to next ? I didn't even know he was still here

Um let's see I'm going to Mr. Green next I said looking at my schedule

I have his class next too if you don't mind I can show you where its.

Sure show me the way , you can also tell me more about this school if you don't mind

I don't mind what lunch do you have he asked while we started walking towards Mr. Green's room.

I have 4th period lunch how about you

I have 4th period too. You can sit with us if you want he said

Finally I won't be alone I told him

He smiled you won't

I just smiled back

So what school did you go to before here if you don't mind me asking Andrew said

I was quiet for a second I didn't know if I should tell him. He seemed trustworthy though.

You don't have to tell me Andrew said taking me out of my train of thoughts .

I used to go to an Islamic school full of Muslims like me but we had to move because of my dad's job. And that's how I ended up here.

wow that must've been hard

Eh not really I love trying new things. Since I was little I was outgoing and curious so this is nothing new. I just think of it as another adventure to try new things . I told him

That's a good way to put it. Not a lot of people think of moving as a good thing.

I'm not like those people

I know Andrew said

let's head inside the Bell is about to ring Andrew said looking at his watch .

I didn't even notice that we were here I told him. The classroom was in the end of the hallway of the opposite side of the school. luckily the classroom wasn't downstairs.

That's what conversation does to you he said

And we both headed inside

Mr. Green's room was pretty bright. he had pictures of paintings on one wall and some quotes too. the room had a painting rack on one side. There was one sink. the seats were organized in a different way. There were a couple of half tables that was pushed to make into one table.

We got to choose who to sit with and everyone sits with a group. Obviously I sat with Andrew but I didn't know the other two that was sitting with us.

Okay guys get seated welcome to my class I am mr. green. Usually I would talk about myself and all for a bit. But let's change it . Why don't you guys introduce each other to the people in your table. Then we can head to the next step . I'll will give you guys 5 minutes.

And start! he said putting the timer on. Then he sat back in his desk.

So let's go around and say our name and say a few things about you I'll start my name is angel and I love to draw said angel

The next girl said my name is Mia and I love trying new things

Andrew was next and he said my name is Andrew and I love to play video games

After Andrew was done they looked at me and I said

Hi my name Dina I'm new here and I love to write

Well Dina welcome to st. Jones high school said angel

Thank you! I hope I end up liking this school I said to them

You will just depends on who you hang out with said Mia

Got some advice for the newbie I asked them

Stay strong and always think positive angel said

The students here tend to be annoying said Andrew

I agree with them both just do your best in the classes said Mia

Thanks! and I can tell I met one annoying dude that hangs out with Adam I told them

are you talking about Xavier they're in a group with these two other guys said Andrew

A group? that explains a lot I said

Yeah don't get fooled by them they're just nothing but immature. they do a lot of dirty tricks angel said

The rest nodded there head in agreement

What tricks have they done recently I asked intrigued

they went to the boys bathroom and got in one of the stalls to stand on the toilet. To take pictures of a boy peeing said Mia lowering her voice

That's dirty and messed up did they get in trouble which the obvious answer was a yes

They each got suspended for at least a week but that doesn't do justice to the boy Mia said

It really doesn't but hopefully getting that as a pay back helped I said

Class times up hopefully you guys learned a little about each other said Mr. Green

I wonder who that boy was I thought to myself. While the teacher was giving more information about himself to the class.

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