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Hello everyone, Ramsia here. I never wanted to be the author who had to do this - who had to come out with this message. And I'm so, so sorry that I'm doing it now. But the truth is, I bit off more than I could chew, and before you go, I'd like to tell you why I have to put this story on hold for a couple months.

For a little over a year, I have been working two jobs year-round. Last summer, I worked seven days a week. During the school year (I'm in college), I worked six days a week. This summer, I'm only working five; however, there's a reason for that. On top of working 48 hours a week, I am also taking 6 credit hours for college. These classes - Business Law and Business Communication - are accelerated so that the 16-week semester is now 8 weeks. That means double the work, so I'm essentially taking 12 credit hours of some of the hardest classes I'm required to take for my degree. I do not regret doing this - my education is important to me.

But my readers and this story are important to me too.

I want Immunity to be a story that you can come back to years down the road and still appreciate. I want to be able to do that too. I want to be able to say, "Yeah, that was probably the best story I've ever written."

But that takes time to write. Time that, with homework and work, I do not have. It's different with Grumpy because it's a collection of short one shots that are easy for me to write and make pretty good. But I can't just quickly write a chapter for this story and call it done. I won't. I won't do that to you, and I won't do that to me.

It doesn't help matters any that I made a mistake right off the bat. I wanted to celebrate BTS's comeback by releasing this story. Usually, I write at least 12 chapters ahead. That's how I was able to update Distract Me and Save Me every day without fail. But Immunity only had 3, and one unfinished 4th. These chapters take at least a few days for me to write, and that's if it has all my concentration for a good few hours and I'm in the best headspace to do it. I set myself up to fail, and I'm sorry.

This story is not over. I promise you that. I completely understand if you give up on it, I might have done the same if I was in your shoes, but I ask that you trust me. The summer semester is over on August 8, and then I have a month of free time to write, write, write.

Until then, please feel free to leave comments or message me whenever.

I'll see you guys in August.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2018 ⏰

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