Chapter 18: Victim

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Patton's Pov:
I haven't seen Roman in a while and I am getting worried. Especially since I discovered Virgil with those cuts maybe, Roman could be inflicting self-harm as well. "I'll worry about V later." I said to myself as I teleported to Creativity's room. As I entered, everything was pinch black but, there was a weird smell like meat. "Roman! Creativity! Are you in here?" I exclaimed, putting my hand on the wall to find the light switch. I eventually found it and turned it on.

"Hey Ro.." I trailed off as I saw Roman but, his body was hanging from a noose. "What? No, this can't be real. Roman wouldn't do this, right?" I asked and quickly ran over to his body which was not in the best condition. I was so scared and so shakey, I couldn't stop staring at his body. I realized the smell of meat was coming from as I saw his bloody hands. I looked into his eyes which were lifeless as a doll's eye. I saw dried tears on his face but, I didn't bother wiping them away. It wouldn't change what I'm seeing now.

I had the urge to vomit as much as I wanted to hold it in, I couldn't it. I leaned over and vomited from the sight I was seeing. "Everything was going great until he finally told me. That's where everything went down-hill. He told me that when people cared about him, it made him suffer in pain so much." I explained what happened to myself, I sat against a wall. Vomit dripping from my mouth like the blood dripping from Creativity's mouth.

"Yet I told him that everyone will care for him!" I exclaimed as I realized that this was all my fault. "I'm so selfish! The last thing Roman needed was care yet, I told him that! If I didn't say anything, I could have prevented this!" I exclaimed as I pulled at my hair, tears streaming on my cheeks. "I just lost my...friend. I lost someone that I knew I prevent from dying!" I exclaimed as I laid on the floor, still staring at the body. The creaking sounds the ceiling made from the corpse hanging. "This isn't some book where I can rewrite what happens and restart." I mumbled as I felt so emotionless on the inside.

I feel so gulity and I don't think I will get over this. I will carry this guilt until the day I die because no one's life mattered more than Roman's. A swarm of thoughts came over me as I began to think of all the ways I could prevent this. I could've hung out more with him. I could've invited him to more movie nights. I could've dated him instead of Virgil. Why didn't I do one of those things? Screw being the heart of emotions. Screw dating and breakups. They just cause you to be more stupid and blind. I'll never forgive myself.

I will never will. I can't do anything to save him now. I'll never take this moment back. I'll never forget this moment. I'll never forget Roman...Never...Never...Never..Never..Never.

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