sleeping on the couch😥💔🍷

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Ella pov
She was flirting with some girl so I threw the phone on the bed and grabbed Jasmine.
Me-oh so we flirting with girls now
Jass-ella,look I'm sorry
Me-jass I don't care we are getting married in 2months,why idc if it's small when you purposed the only girl you flirt with is me.
Jass-im sorry idek how she got my number
Me-im sleeping on the couch and delete that bitch number.

grabbed some stuff and sat it on the couch I walked into Carter room to see him on the floor sleep I picked him up and put him on the bed along with the puppies then walked out took a show in the guess room and went to sleep on the couch.

I dosed of but after about 1hour I woke up and I wasn't on the couch I was in the bed with Jasmine had tear stains and she has me in a embrace ughhh please don't break my heart😥.

I can't take it i just gotta get out of her grip i can't do it.I slipped out of her grip and slept on the couch.I couldn't sleep so I just stayed awake until I heard something in me and jass room,she was in the bathroom looking at herself"why jass why can't you not flirt"she said to herself i tip goes to the bed  pretending to be asleep she turned off the light and smirked when she saw me trying to close my eyes damnit so jumped on me and bit my lip pulling on it.

Jass-did I ever tell you that these walls are sound proof.
Ella-show me.
She handed me a paper that has information
Jass-so can mommy and daddy have fun time bc tomorrow mommy and daddy have to plan out wedding.
Ella-yeah let's have fun
Jass kissed me and came down under the covers to my underwear slip it down and waisted no time to eat me out after about 30minutes of devouring me she stuck herself in me I stoped her went under the pillow to get a condom.I bitch not hours get pregnant maybe after this wedding but who know.

she put it on and continued oh my god,I remember my freind back in Florida talking bout girl I swear the D**** is way better then tongue and fingers but now that I got a girl with it it's way better. Like her stroke game is A1 like she'll have you screaming until I heard a knock at the door.

She put back on her boxers and shorts and I put back on my underwear and shorts and throw the condo. Away Jasmine looked mad asf.I opened it while she laid up against the head board mad.With the puppies with him looking scared.Jasmine got up and picked him up.
J-whats wrong lil man.
C-i-i-had a nightmare
J-come on we can all sleep in here
With the puppies in the middle with Carter and me and Jasmine on the side.

Next morning
I woke up did my hygiene and went down stairs I made me some cereal and saw that all of them were literally on the couch watching spongebob eating the same cereal wow I sat next to Carter.
Me-carter you feed the pupps.
As soon as I said that Jamie and Ashton out there bowls in the sink and yelled
Jamie&Ashton -PUPPIE!!!!
jass-SHHHHH!!!!I'm trying to watch songbird I laughed and said in Carter room they ran up there and came down with them in there and sat down on the floor p!a ring with them.
Carter and jass finished and washed the disable together I record them and tagged jass on all social medias and put "my lil loves washing the dishes"I got mad like and comments.when they were done they put on swimming stuff to get in the pool I did to do did Ashton and jamie.Carter is a good ass swimmer.

I'm sorry I'll have to finish this on the next chapter I have to watch my nephew and it's hard to watch him he's 3 months bare with me.

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