we get 💍💗👰married

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Carter gone get a pov
So hi guys my mommy and daddy are getting married im with daddy, kodie kehlani,lehlani,chris ash(ashton)and jamie the tuxedos colors are baby blue and black mine look just like daddys deep blue and black my mommy dress is all whit the brides mates are white and baby blue. I sorry but the mushy talky stuff was boring so ima skip to the dance party.
I was dancing with mommy until her older brother wanted to dance so i was dancing with daddy until blahh blah blah when mommy and daddy left to hawiyeye i think thats how you say it i was staying with all my aunts and uncles at my house its a big house.i never told mommy  but i told daddy wanna share my toys and puppies i want a sister or brother.

Jass pov
She took off her dress and put on her underwear i had to tell her what carter said.
Me-carter said hewants a sibling
Ella-so YOU jasmine ashley centina wanna plant a seed inside me i mean are yo-We ready
Ella-then come and plant seed inside me
Im not i the mood for sex scenes
Next morning
I got up and throw up jasmine was there not gold my hair back its in a bun.i took a preganacy test
Ella-get ready for your baby
Jass-im gonna be a daddy.she or he gonna be spoiled.
Ella-wait till carter finds out.

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