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The next day, I woke up to the alarm I set for 7 A.M., groaning softly. I had work in an hour, so I needed to get up, but I had went to bed late last night since I decided to unload more boxes when I got home.

I grabbed my phone off my nightstand and yawned quietly as I turned it on. On my screen, it said I had a new message from a random number.

Hey, it's Tom. I had a lot of fun last night, hopefully we can see each other again sometime?

I smiled softly to myself, sitting up in bed as I typed out a response.

I had a lot of fun, too. And I'm sure we could figure something out xx

I grinned and shut my phone off, getting out of bed and stretching as I walked over to my closet. I opened it and sighed. I should probably wear something a bit on the casual side for work, but I didn't mind. I preferred to be comfortable.

I grabbed out a grey t-shirt with black jeans, deciding it would have to do. I slipped my pajamas off and then put those on, grabbing a pair of converse. I put my converse on and tied them up, looking in the mirror. It would have to do, it was just work anyways.

I headed into my bathroom, grabbing my makeup bag that I had yet to unload. I unzipped it and put on moisturizer, brushing my teeth afterwards. Then, I put on concealer and a bit of blush with some mascara to finish it off. I liked to stay natural, I wasn't much of a "glam" person. I brushed through my hair, then put it up in a high ponytail. I knew I would want to when I got to work anyways.

I grabbed my purse and phone before heading out into the hall. I decided to skip breakfast, figuring I could snatch a muffin from work or something. I went outside my apartment and locked the door behind me, walking down the street. As I was walking, I looked at my phone to find another message from Tom.

Well, are you free tonight?

Actually, I have to go shopping for my new apartment. If you'd like to come you can, but it will be very boring.

I love boring. Pick you up at 4?

Perfect :)
I smiled widely to myself, shutting my phone off and putting it in my purse. I got off work at 3, so that gave me enough time to go home and get ready. I figured the clothes I had on were a bit too casual.

I walked into the cafe, smiling softly as the aroma of coffee and pastries filled my nose. I absolutely loved it.

"Good morning, Lacey! Want a scone? Fresh out the oven!" I heard Andrea pipe up, which made me giggle and nod gratefully.

"Mm, yes please!" I responded, setting my purse in the back and throwing on the apron with my name on it. I took the scone thankfully, eating it quickly so I could get to attending to customers.

"How was your first day in London?" Skylar asked me, making a latte for someone. I shrugged a bit and stood behind the register.

"It was pretty good, I went to the bar down the street last night." I said, smiling softly as I thought of Tom.

"Oh? Meet anyone??" She asked, raising an eyebrow at me as she handed the customer their coffee, smiling at them before returning back to me.

"Maybe.." I said, smiling widely as my cheeks turned a bit red.

"Well, tell me all about it! Is he cute? Is he tall??" She asked, widening her eyes a bit. I laughed lightly at her perkiness.

"Yes and kind of?? I don't know, but we are hanging out again after my shift." I said, grinning a bit at the last part. She widened her eyes even more, if that was possible.

"Oh my god, is it a date?? It is, isn't it!!" She exclaimed, squealing a bit. I laughed and shook my head.

"No, it is not a date. We are just friends." I said, shaking my head. She rolled her eyes a bit.

"Yeah, okay." She responded, shaking her head at me. I laughed once more before taking a customers order.

The work day went by pretty fast, considering it was my first day. I only made a couple of mistakes, and I was proud of myself for getting the hang of things so quickly. I was starting to really like London, I guess it was just easy to love.

"Alright, I should get going. See you guys tomorrow at 8!" I said, smiling a bit at Andrea and Skylar.

"Okay, you get to meet James tomorrow!" Skylar squealed, giggling softly. I furrowed my eyebrows a bit as I stopped walking to the door.

"Who's James?" I asked, confused.

"Oh, he's another employee here. He's really funny, I think you'll like him." Skylar explained, nodding a bit at me.

"Oh okay. Well, see ya later!" I called out before leaving the cafe, walking down the street. I was walking pretty fast as I wanted to get home and change before Tom got there. I also needed to touch up my makeup.

Once I reached my apartment, I took my key out and unlocked the door, heading in quickly. I walked into my bedroom and sighed as I looked through my closet. What was I supposed to wear? Obviously nothing fancy since it was just going to be IKEA. But, I also didn't want to wear sweats.

I eventually decided to keep the black jeans that I was wearing on, and swap my grey t-shirt for a light blue sweater. I slipped on a pair of vans and then went into the bathroom. I touched up my makeup and took my hair down, brushing it out and deciding to just leave it natural.

That's when I heard the doorbell ring.

"Coming!" I called out, setting my hairbrush down and grabbing my purse and phone before heading to the door. I swung it open to reveal Tom standing there, grinning at me.

"Hello, love." He said, making me blush lightly. I stepped outside, shutting and locking the door behind me.

"Hey, thanks for driving.. I don't really have a car at the moment." I said, giggling softly as he chuckled with me.

"It's my pleasure, really." He said, leading me down the steps to his car. "Ready for some furniture shopping?"

Ahh I know I haven't updated in a few days but I have been soooo busy!!! Sorry guys, hope this is alright for now xx

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