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Detroit was a war zone. Androids continue to demand rights from their creators, humans. But humans, being the vile, selfish, and callous, refuse to let these people live freely. These living, breathing, blood pumping beings.

Humans simply desire to be superior. To reign supreme. To be on top. The alpha male as some may call it.

They saw androids as a threat. As beings who wants to take their throne. Beings that might take away that feeling of.. security. Of being on top. It's pitiful, really.

As of then, androids are still hiding in a disclosed location. Many androids refer to it as 'Jericho'. However, Cyberlife has been unable to figure out where this location is. Comedic. The company that makes androids that know everything doesn't know where their own androids are hiding.

However, they had a 'solution.'

His name is Connor. He's the android sent by cyberlife. Model RK800. A prototype, the first of its kind. An android detective and deviant hunter with a specific mission of stopping deviants and bringing back Cyberlife.

But it seems as if humanities' hope, this android, was becoming a deviant itself.



No, it's not comical. It's pathetic. He is pathetic.

He's deviating.

Therefore, he must be.. terminated.



Just some little things I wanna talk about before this story starts.

This won't be completely following DBH's event paths. In this story, Connor is slowly but surely becoming a deviant and Amanda is finding out, therefore she sends already-created prototype Rk900 (Conan) after Connor to neutralize him.

Her plan is for Connor to trust Conan and then he will be rid of him quietly without suspicion.

But some stuff happens and I don't wanna spoil.

Thanks for being so patient with me!

I hope you enjoy!


Pluviophile // Connor x Rk900Where stories live. Discover now