Chapter 1

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She stared at me, imitating my movements. She looked thinner, her collarbone being more evident at the slightest movement. Her hair was in a messy bun. She was wearing an oversized shirt with shorts which gave the illusion of her being bigger than she actually was. She didn't even try to hide the bags under her eyes with makeup. Her eyes were worn out from crying and it made her look sad and miserable.

"Good" i whispered still staring at the mirror.

I wonder what he looks like now. He was taller than me the last time i saw him. He always teased me with it. He was always the matured one and the bigger person but when it came to me, he acted like a child, which he was.

I tried to smile thinking of all the good memories we have had together but then, like always, what i did or didn't do hit me and i couldn't control it anymore. I fell to the ground and cried again.

"I am sorry. I am sorry" i said amidst my crying.

"It doesn't change anything now you know. You did this to us! You know it won't change anything! You ruined everything!" his voice got louder and all i could do was to cover my ears.

"I am sorry. I am s-sorry." i cried out hoping he will leave me alone.

"Please leave me alone. I am sorry!"

"Jieun, is everything alright in there?" my aunt asked from the other side of the door.

I opened my eyes and he wasn't there anymore.

"Yes Rose, everything is fine." I responded as I got up.

"Good. Are you ready to go?"

"I will be down in a minute" I looked at myself in the mirror again.

"See you soon" I smiled and dragged my bags outside.

November, 1993

"...So where is he now?" the older female asked

"He said he doesn't want to see me" she tried to hide the hurt in her voice but she knew she wasn't fooling anyone.

"What nonsense!" The man said with rage.
"It takes two people to make a baby so what the hell is he saying!" He continued, visibly shaking with anger.

"Honey calm down Jieun is in her room. You know she can hear us" she moved closer to her husband and tried to calm him down.

"I am sorry but this makes me very angry. How dare he say that when he should clearly take responsibility for this pregnancy..."

The conversation went on but this time it seemed as if they were almost whispering. Jieun couldn't make out some of the words but she concluded that her parents were angry at her nanny. She found it strange because her parents never got angry with her.
She loved her nanny and didn't want anyone to hurt her.
She heard a knock on the door and her nanny entered.

"Em, what is wrong? Did i do something bad?"
She smiled at how cute the little girl looked when she was worried.

"Of course not! My little princess can do no wrong." She teased her pulling her cheeks.

"Then why was dad shouting?"

"Honey he wasn't shouting he was just concerned for me." "Because i will be having a baby soon." she said to herself but Jane heard her

"A baby?!" Her nanny smiled and nodded. Jieun always wanted younger siblings but her parents couldn't have any.

"So like a brother?"
"Or a sister" her nanny added. "Thank you Em!"
"For what?"
"I am going to have a baby brother!"

Em smiled when she saw her jumping around repeatedly saying, "I am going to have a baby brother!" Even Though she wasn't happy with what had happened, Jieun gave her hope that everything was going to be alright.

A/n: Hey there. So yeah, this is something I am still working on. It was inspired by the video in this chapter(so I named the female lead after Song Jieun) and let's all assume that this story takes place in South Korea (even though I mostly won't add Korean references) :)) Please leave a comment on what you think about the story. I promise it gets better;)

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