Chapter 7- The Man

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Jahseh was sitting in his room and crying. He was so sad that he wanted to end it all. His best friend Garret was dead and he couldn't do anything with it.

But then he heard someone coming through the door.

He heard his mom and another man. They were sitting in the kitchen. Jahseh inhaled deep. And then exhaled slow. He opened the door and went straight to the kitchen.

Hi Jahseh! There you are!  His mom said.

W-what the fuck mom! You wasn't home in like 2 days and you are just- just saying hi? What the fuck!  And who is this man?

Oh. His mon said. This is Jason. My new boyfriend.

Hi Jahseh. Said Jason

Hi! Nice- too m-meet you.

I think in going to my room now.

He went to his room opened the PC and his facebook. Nothing new. Maybe because the only friends on facebook he had was Geneva and Garret.

But then he heard glasses being broke. And an awfull scream from his mom. He ran to the kitchen and what he saw stunned him.

He saw Jason attacking his mom.

He took a part of the broken glass and stabbed Jason in the stomack.

His mom ran out of the house screaming because of the blood that was there after he stabbed Jason.

She hated blood


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2018 ⏰

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