Hi my name is Steven Dean im 27 and I know this might sound a bit funny that I'm a boy that likes cats because most boys like dogs but there is a special thing many people don't know. I turn into a cat in the evening.My parents know this because they are one to but they live with a different owner until this happend.On the 7th of July in the evening my owner was giving me boneless Tazmanian salmon and then I saw it with my own eyes she suddenly had a seizure it took me 5 minutes before I was able to turn back into a human.i quickly put my clothes on and rung the ambulance.When the ambulance arrived I quickly turned back into a human but I was too late the ambulance where here and saw me.They put me in Gail for murdering her even though I didnt do anything.Im guessing they think im a alien from mars or something because they saw me then a cat.I was put as the number 1 most dangerous person in Australia untill my dad came to say hello well he really wasn't he was trying to get me out but the same thing happend to him he turned into a cat but the police saw him and went to Gail. It was no use I was stuck here forever because of all the guards.I count them every day to see if it is free to go and escape but it never is im the second most dangerous person in Australia! Every day there is 51 guards guarding the top 5 most dangerous people . Because you never know what we will do to escape. I lost everthing I had well except for this diary. nope its taken aswell.
If you want to read more vote or comment and I will make some more.
thax for the vote ill make some more this chapter is called the 2nd diary hope you enjoy :)
good morning America! I have finally got a diary to write what happened at the crime scene but im using it so you know what is important. not like crime isnt important but it isnt if your in it . anyway I have been in here for 1 year now with out seeing my mum.At least I've got my dad. but after he tryed to save me he has been selfish a very mean even when I dont talk he tells me to shut up but ive got to go its my shot to read out what I wrote in my diary.p.s GOD DAMB IT! bye.
soz for the small chapter ill make a bigger one if you vote thnx
50 shades of fur
AdventureThis is Steven Dean's dairy everone must read if they want to know the truth about me and how I got out of Gail.More will be written soon