The Tale of: Trade My Mortality

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My skin burned and scorched.
I woke up in a dark room with nothing but a light from the corner swinging back and forth..
I was strapped to a chair as my soul burned inside out..
I could feel everything, every pit of pain..
I jumped up looking around in cold sweat..
But there was nothing around me..
I was strapped to the chair even tighter and my chest was caving in..
that's when my alarm went off!
"Goooood morning Erie, Philadelphia! It's 5:30 in the morning and you know what that means time to RISE AND GRIND! Here's a oldie but goodie from the The Temptations called Papa Was a Rolling Stone.."
When I heard the voice of Marco Steve the local radio personality I knew I had been having that dream again..
I jumped up out of my sleep taking massive breaths, I felt all over myself and I was still all in tack.. I felt my forehead as the cold sweat dripped down..

"Still having those nightmares?"

"They're not nightmares just how I wake up sometimes!"
I said looking over at Lee brushing his teeth, as I leaned against the head board..

"Look Xillow, I know it's hard for you to let me in but we've been doing this thing, whatever we're doing for 3 years now.. How long you gonna keep me out in the dark."

I sighed..
"If I was keeping you out in the dark you wouldn't even be here..
I told you what the terms were up front and you agreed to them!
That's not changing, EVER.. I'm just not into commitment, you know the rules.."

"What would you say if I told you I don't care about the rules? What would you say if I told you I was deeply in love with you?"

"I would say you were a fool.."
I said throwing him his clothes..

"Why is everything such a big secret with you Xi?
What do you want from me, I try to give you everything you won't take it.. Just let me in a little bit.. I've been here 3 years and we're not even a couple..
you're all I want!
All I commit to, what else do you want from me?"
He said putting on his clothes from last night..
"I'm trying to be as patient as possible but sex just isn't enough for me anymore.. Are you scared to be seen with me because I'm Asian, is that it?!"

"What did I say when we met?
I told you the only way this could work is if you never caught feelings and didn't ask questions!
So don't start now, if that's too much for you to handle than you can cut ties now.. Otherwise stop pressing me!
I warned you..
Sex is going to have to be enough.. I don't care that you're Filipino and Japanese"
I said tying up my signature twist in a bun..

"I hope not Xillow.. I really do cause I love everything about your skin and ethic background.."
He sighed as he looked away grabbing his car keys...
"I understand.. I'll call you later Xi.."

"I'm not gonna be here later.."
I said walking past him towards the bathroom and turning on my shower..

"Alright well in that case if I don't hear from you for another three weeks, be safe.. I turned on the news, they've found three more bodies in Erie Halls silos.. They believe it may be cult related and devil worshipers.. they all have scars on they're wrist like the others.. You know kind of like the one you have"

I looked down and scratched my wrist..
"That's just a coincidence.. What'd I tell you about the news it's designed to keep you scared.. Stop watching that mess.. and you don't have to worry about me I'll be just fine.."

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