W I T C H E SOld souls, protectors of the earth, defenders
Of the right, speakers of the truth,
Guardians of the animals, lovers of the rivers,
Worshippers of the moon, followers of
The sun, seekers of enlightenment, believers in
equality, practitioners of magic, protestors
For nature, warriors against darkness,
Fighters against ignorance, and voices for
Wiccans are not evil
There is no Satan in Wicca
There are no demons in Wicca
Wiccans take responsibility for our own actions
And do not blame any outside force.
Wiccans acknowledge their light
As well as their dark and keep a balance
Between both.
We believe in deep karma within nature
That all flora and fauna understand.
Wiccans believe in truth, horror and fairness for all.We do not hide in the dark because we're evil
Or worship the devil. We were driven
Into the dark and into hiding because of true
Ignorance and intolerance of different
Religion. They would rather us die than to
promote peace and learn exactly
What it is we believe.
We will not hide no more.