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My loneliness is killing me and I, I must confess I still believe

I groaned loudly as I awoke to the familiar sound of Harley's ringtone. I checked my phone and grimaced as I saw that it was 6:30am. Does she not understand the concept of timezones at all? I rolled towards the wall hoping I could just ignore it and get a few more hours sleep but the infernal song blared on.

When I'm not with you I lose my mind, give me a siiiiiiiiiiiiign

"Who the hell is blasting Britney so early in the morning" I heard one of the boys moan "turn it, off turn it off" he whined. There was a chorus of 'yeah's and 'what he said's from the bunks around me.

Hit me baby one more time

"Sorry guys" I said, my voice rough and worn "I've got to take this" the inhabitants of the bunks groaned together in response.

I hopped off my bunk in yesterday's clothes and plodded to the back room of the bus closing the sliding doors behind me. I planted my butt into the worn leather sofa before accepting the call and resting the phone on my right ear.

"Hello Harley" I sighed loudly as I ran my fingers through my hair. I love Harley to death but sometimes she can be a bit .... much.

"ELLA! I've missed you so much how have you been? How's life on tour? How are the boys? Are they giving you a hard time? Have you slept with all of them yet? I need ALL the details. I told you they were hot. They're so hot aren't they?! Oh the things I would do to those.."

"HARLEY!" I interrupted "I love you but shut the hell up! it's half six in the morning over here and I've got a migraine coming on.." The effectiveness of my outburst was decreased significantly by the fact that my voice cracked and strained with each syllable.

"Sorry Ell I'm just really excited for you..... but also insanely jealous I mean they're my favourite band and you get to spend almost a year with them! Ugh!" I could hear Harley's tone get a little more irritated "And all the free concerts and opportunities to fuck their brains out it's not even a little fair!"

Her last sentence was a little too loud for my liking as I heard a chuckle followed by a 'what did she say?' coming from the hall of bunks. 

"Oh my freaking god keep your voice down or they'll think I'm on a mission to get into their pants, I need to keep this job remember?"

"Wait... they can hear me??" I could hear that she was smiling down the phone in that psycho fangirl way she always did when she dragged me along to see another one of her "favourite" bands back in high school. "MICHAEL, LUKE, CALUM, ASHTON CAN YOU HEAR I'M YOUR BIGGEST FAN I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! I'VE GOT A MASSIVE POSTER OF YOU HANGING ON MY BEDROOM WALL AND EVERY NIGHT BEFORE BED I..."


I hung up on her as she screeched down the line into my ear. I heard a louder laugh come from the bunks followed by a thump of feet hitting the floor of the bus as the laughing boy got out of bed and trundled down the hall.

"Shit Harley"

The doors connecting the two compartments slid open and a tall lanky boy in blue boxers and a green day t-shirt stepped through. He made his way to the small bathroom to his left but stopped as I caught his attention. He looked me in the eye quizzically as I dragged mine up and down his body, noticing his long legs and fluffy slippers, before ascending to his grey eyes and shock of green hair. Well he's beautiful.

"Hey I'm.." he looked down noticing his lack of trousers "...sorry about this, I'll go put something on."

He began walking back to his bunk.

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