Chapter 23

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I know its been months....Im sorry, major writers block.  Hopefully we are passed that now!


Chapter 23

I pulled on my grey coat and adjusted my scarf nervously as I watched the men gather for the interrogation of the rogues.  Derek was standing next to me, we were at the top of the steps looking out at the men gathered.  They were chatting anxiously, Derek on the other hand was silent.  Suddenly he uncrossed his arms and grabbed my hand and led me down the steps.  Everyone followed us as we made our way to the dungeons. 

As we went lower into the musky dungeons I grew more thankful for my dark skinny jeans, boots and coat that I wore to keep me warm.  It was cold outside, it looked like it would snow, but down in the cells it was freezing.  My breaths were coming out in small white puffs. 

I need you to stay next to me unless im going in.  I need to make sure you are safe.  Derek mind linked me.  I smiled slightly dispite my nerves.

Of Course.... Everything will work out

We all stopped in front of one larger cell that held both of the rogues.  My eyebrows drew together as I looked inside.  They were huddled against the wall, their bare and dirty feet tucked underneath them. 

Derek let go of my hand and had me step slightly behind his shoulder. 

"Rogues!" Derek shouted to get their attention.  I drew in a shaking icy breath as the pack warriors drew together around us. 

I watched as the two rogues lifted their heads slowly in unison and gave a chillingly sarcastic smile.

"Yes?' One hissed and cocked his head slightly to the side. 

"We have come to ask you a few questions.  If you are unable or unwilling to answer them we will kill you as custom to werewolf laws."  Derek paused to see their reaction but they only stared.

"What were you doing on our land?"

"Delivering a message"

"From who?"  I felt Derek tense as they chuckled and stood up.

"From who... As if you don't know... He's angry. Im sure you know that.  There will be more attacks until he gets what he wants."

'Who"  Dereks voice was firm and strong.

"He wants her.  There will be war.  He will take her back"  The rogue pointed a shaking finger at me.  I willed myself not to react.  Derek stayed silent hoping they would continue.  "More attacks, more threats to your precious mates safety.  If I were you I would not be trusting everyone right now.  Those you are closest with could turn on you."  Derek narrowed his eyes.

"What do you mean."

"He has people working for him in your pack to watch you, mark all of your moves. No more questions.  Kill us if you must, we are done."   Derek hesitated for a moment and then pointed.  One of his men stepped forward into the cell and broke both their necks. 

Knowin that Derek was going to be finnished soon I started my way back up, Derek Shortly on my heels as he ordered his men.  I took in a deep breath of icy air once I was outside.  In the short time we were down there it had started snowing.  I started the walk back to the main house and started pulling my gloves on.  The walk was only about ten minutes but I was cold.  I looked over to see Derek holding out his elbow.  I wrapped my arms around his and walked close to his side.  He spoke in whispers, "Rogues like that dont lie.  They have no connections with anyone and they know they are going to die.  They have no reasons to lie."  He paused and let out a breath.  The white puffs of air created were barely visible because of the snow and the fog. 

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