Chapter 24

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So a long wait.... but not as long!!!!!! YAY!   I start school on wednesday but i am hoping that i will be able to write on weekends.  So maybe an update every week/ everyother week?  No promises though.  I hope you enjoy!


Chapter 24

I slumped against the cold countertop in the pack house, my chin resting in my open palm.  I stared into my hot chocolate and almost groaned, trying to keep my heavy eyelids open.  Derek had woken me up early that morning with light kisses and murmered apologies against my bare shoulders.  I had to go with him for another meeting; he didn't want to leave me alone. 

"What do you think about that?"  I registered that someone was saying something but didn't think much of it.  "Hello?"  a short pause and then "Luna?"  My head snapped up and my spine straightened a small wave of guilt running through me at my lack of attention. 

"I'm sorry, what?"  The man, who I recognized to be one of Dereks most trusted guards smiled slightly.

"We want to run more patrols and everything in that area should also be increased.  But as far as the investigation we want to find out more about your father and then try to search your home."  I nodded in agreement.

"I can answer any questions you may have for me.  I want to try to help with this as much as possible.  I know im not a wolf and can't do the things you all can do physicaly but there has to be something."  I looked between him and Derek who had his eyes narrowed.  The man whose name i now remember to be Chase nodded and spoke again.

"We do have questions.  But as you know it will be very difficult to go into your house.  Not only because your mom will be there but because your dad will know almost immediatley if someone enters his territory that he doesn't know. He would try to kill us.  And by the sound of things, he isn't working alone.  So maybe," he paused and swallowed visibly trying not to look at Derek, "maybe if you go in and act like you are visiting your mom and look around for us."  My eyes snapped to Derek as he let out a threatening growl.  Chase stammered, "Of course we wouldn't just send you in there.  There will be pack members surrounding the house.  And he doesn't know that you have all this information."

I could tell from Dereks murderous glares that he was against this new plan, however, I knew it was our best bet at finding something out of place. 

"Derek it only makes sense if I go.  He doesnt exactly trust me but he isnt going to suspect something like that from me.  And my mom will be there."  Derek cut me off

"Oh yes and she will suddenly realize then, after all those years that her husband is abusive?"  I grit my teeth.

"He wont do anything too drastic with her there, is what I am saying.  I am the only one that will be able to tell if something is different or out of place.  I know him."  I trailed off searching everyones faces.  They all looked nervous but my eyes landed on Derek and he looked beyond pissed. 

"You know it is the only logical way.  And I can communicate with you through our link."  He growled but didn't answer. 

"I will take that as a yes then."  I stated and nodded to everyone.

Later that day I sat at a table with Derek, Chase and Dr. Andrew who apparently posed as some sort of scribe for situations like this.  Chase was asking me questions because he thought Derek would get to upset.  Where I was from, family members, houses, towns, friends.  Everything until the questions started getting more serious.  At this point Derek stood up and started pacing, one arm wraped around his middle and the other elbow resting on it, his jaw resting on his fist.  When my dad started getting tempermental and abusive, what set it off, why my mom never noticed, why I never told her, why I thought my dad was like this towards me when I was his pup.  Derek was growling low in his throat before he burst out.

"How could a father do that to his child! That shouldnt even be possible!"

"You are correct there Alpha, it shouldn't be possible.  But even though it is very rare, some werewolf fathers do get... like this with their children.  It is said that they are jealous of the attention that the child is getting from their mate"  Said Dr. Andrew.  Derek was shaking his head but Chase kept asking questions. 

By the time it was over I was ready for some food and a nap.  Derek had sat down awhile ago.  Chase left to go on patrol.  We were about to leave when Dr. Andrew raised his head.

"Alpha.  Can I meet with the Luna alone for a few minutes."  Although he had a steady look on his face Derek narrowed his eyes.  he grabbed my hand.

"I don't think thats necassary.  We have discussed everything and we have to get her ready for later."  The doctor nodded and we left. 

Derek and I went back to our house, it was weird thinking of it as 'our house'.  Everything seemed to change so fast in the last few weeks.  All of a sudden my responsibilities have changed. Why these thoughts occured to me only when I thought of 'our house' is a mystery to me. 

Derek snapped me out of my thoughts by going through the plans for later today when i went back to my old house.  I changed into black skinny jeans sorell boots and blue sweater.  I through my grey coat on over it.  Before we left to meet everyone Derek handed me "part of the plan" which inculded a silver knife.  I raised an eyebrow. He gave me a look.

"Don't look at me like that.  Its just a precaution."  He gave me a kiss before we headed to the car. 

After meeting everyone in front of the pack house, I got in my car.  I had to drive myself just incase one or both of my parents saw me getting out fo my car.  Derek, of course, was in the car right behind me.  I drove to my parents house nerves settling deep inside my stomache. 

I parked and got out fo my car, the freezing air stinging my cheeks and burning my throat as i sucked in a deep breath to try to calm my nerves.  I stared at the house i had escaped from.  Even though we had only lived in it a short time before I met Derek and left, it still broguht up memories.  I squared my shoulders and started walking into an unperdictable situation.


Hope you liked it!!!! Might not have a chapter next weekend.  I have to help move my brother to college.  but soon everyone!!!!!

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