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Today, like every other day my mother was too busy to come pick me up, so I walked home. It was a long walk especially today, since it was raining, I always said I have the worst of luck. I called my boyfriend, Paul, but to my dismay he did not pick up.

"Excuse me, miss?" a middle aged woman came up to me asking. I continued to walk not quite understanding she was talking to me. The woman tapped me on the shoulder. "Miss?" she repeated once again. "Oh, I'm sorry." I blushed slightly, "how can I help you?" I ask politely slowing to a stop.

"I, uh, I don't mean to alarm you, but your nose is bleeding." I looked at her confused. I slowly reached up to feel that my lip was drenched in blood. How could I not feel that. I haven't quite been feeling well all day, but I thought it was a cold. My dad came to visit the other day taking me to his house, I suppose that where I got it, my step sister Hannah had a minor flu.

"you look pale..." her voice snapped me out of my daze. "oh um I'm always pale" I said laughing a little, I was crazy white with brown hair and icy blue eyes. "No" she said staring at me, "You're much paler than anyone I've ever seen" wow I knew I was white, but that took a hard blow to my ego, I really needed to tan. "you don't..." she said something else but I couldn't quite focus on her voice, or her, or anything. Black spots started to cloud my vision, and I fell to the ground with a thud. The last thing I head was, "SOMEONE CALL 911" and with that I blacked out completely.

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