Rose Star Lynch

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Hi, I'm Rose Star Lynch, but mostly people call me, Rose.
I am 14 years of age, and I am untalented.
Every time, when I see my family, perform on stage.

I feel like, I'm left out,
Well, because I'm the only one that, had no talent,
I mean like at Ross, Rydel, Riker, Rocky,
Ryland, Ratliff.

They are all in a band called R5,
But, Ryland is the Dj,
And my mom and dad are famous,
Because those are they're kids,
Expect Ratliff.

Anyways, back to me.
Well, I live in Los Angeles
With my 5 siblings, and
Two parents.

As, the only Lynch that is unknown,
I really don't get a lot of attention.
I mean, i do get attention,
But only from strangers,
That see me sing.

I wish, I could change all if this....

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