My Time with a Psychopath

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this is a short story i wrote.....tell me what u think......plz note...nything in these: ' ' are the peoples thoughts since i cnt italsise(fail spelling)


My Time with a Psychopath

Haley's P.O.V

I tried to remember who had talked him into this......I thought and thought and thought........the only thing that came to mind was his icy blue stare. He was...correction is a psychopath.....never feeling, never caring, never holding.....just hating. He hates all life. He begs for death....challenges it all. 'They always lose.' With that thought I snap back into the here and now and watch as my best friend in the whole world is about to duel Suddenly his stare falls on me. As I stand there, terrified, my friend finds his opening and goes for it. 'He missed!' I squeak and step closer. They both freeze. 'I know what I need to do.'

"Jack??" I whisper. My friend, now backing away from him, looks at me and the psychopath looks confused.

"Yeah Haley??"

"Don't move alright?"

Now it's his turn to look confused.

I take a step closer and the psychopaths relaxed posture tenses. "Promise Jack" I murmur.

"Yeah, sure Haley" still looking confused.

"Say it" I mumble so soft its almost inaudible as I step closer.

"I promise......but I don't get it......why Haley?"

I step closer again and whisper "Don't question me Jack" the psychopaths posture tenses even more as he sees me about to step in between him and Jack. Jack shuts up then.

He considers just flat out killing Jack now. My eyes dart to him and I mumble harshly "Don't even think about it"

He looks shocked. He's still tense I notice. Finally I can step in between Jack and the psycho, I turn to face him.

Jack stammers "H-Ha-Haley??"

"Shhhh" I snap and know he looks hurt.

The killer looks into my deep brown eyes and a tremor passes up his spine as he begins to feel. He doesn't like it so he growls but I stand my ground.

He senses I'm not scared and looks shocked and curious as to why. "I'm not scared 'cause you won't hurt me" I mumble.

He shoots me that cocky smirk of his. He tenses even more.

"Haley??" Jacks wondering what I'm talking about I think.

"Jack.....I'll explain later." Jack stands up straight and I smirk. "You blue eyes" I whisper addressing the monster "what's your name?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?" he smirks thinking he's so smart.

"Don't flatter yourself......I just want to be able to call you something besides psycho." I take a step forward. He growls deep in this throat and glares. In return I smirk.

He stands there dumbfounded and I say "Jack dear??" in the sweetest kidish voice I can manage "what's his name?"

Jack stammers not knowing, I start getting frustrated.

"Wipe that smirk off your face or ill do it for you blue eyes!" I demand I hear his heart beat increase when I call him that and I smirk then. "You like that nickname don't you blue eyes??" his heart beat picks up again and I take it for a yes; considering he won't answer.

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