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After Noah closed the door behind them I let out a sigh of relief.  The look in my twins eye told me everything.  She knew we didn't betray her.  Knowing her like I do she probably figured it out.  I take a deep breath and pick-up my phone.  I know my mom more than likely ran to the store because she doesn't leave Shelly home alone for long.  The stress from everything has been getting to her.  So we don't want her to be alone luckily my mom always worked from home.  I dial the all to familiar number and when she picks up I tell my mom "he did it he found a way to come home even with everything we did to try to stop him"  she says "good, but is Elle OK"  "yeah, mom I think what I told you last night is true she was starting to feel like she really needed him.  She was smiling when she saw him her eye's lit up I think I will be getting my twin back.  All of her" "good Lee, we have missed the real Elle now call your dad I am almost home"  When I called my dad all he said was "I am on my way" and hung up the phone.  I can't help but be proud of my parents on how much they have supported my twin and brother (even though he didn't know it).

It was almost an hour that the two of them were in Noah's room shut up tight before he came back downstairs.  He looks at all of us and says "ok explain to me why my family would give in to her and her stupid ultimatums and not tell me I am going to be a father"  I look up at him and say "Noah, it wasn't that easy for any of us.  She started spending more and more time here even Brad came over neither one of them were happy at home.  That woman would say ugly things about Mary to them even went as far as saying God gave her cancer because she deserved it"  Noah looks at me and says "you have got to be kidding me"  "I'm not.  I noticed she was starting to look sick so did mom so we begged her to let us take her to the Dr.  that is how we found out she was pregnant."  my mom looked at him and said "I was so, happy I was going to be a grandmother I called your father and he was ecstatic.  I couldn't wait to go and tell Max with her.  I never expected it when that woman looked at us and said she has one week to get all her fucking things out or I will burn it I refuse to live with a whore.  I really thought Max would defend Elle but he didn't he looked at us and said you heard her I no longer have a daughter.  Elle lost it she ran out the door and Lee followed.  I hated not going after them but I headed up to her room and packed as much as I could at that time.  Poor little Brad he looked at me and begged me to take him too but Max caught him and said back to your room now you are not to talk to any of the Flynns' again.  I was crushed."  I look up at Noah "about a month later that woman showed up demanding that Elle sign over the house turns out that it was Mary's parent's house that Mary inherited and when she passed away she had left it to Elle.  Elle looked at her and said your month is up the locks are being changed as we speak.  I didn't know about any of this but mom did and she helped Elle get the ball rolling.  During this time the only contact Elle had with Brad was through phone calls, he would sneak from phones at school.  Their last day in town just to add more salt to the wound that bitch had Max stop by and tell Elle in front of her to never contact him or Brad again that as far as he was concerned he never had a daughter.  They got in the car and drove away.  We tried to stop her but she ran down the road chasing after calling for Brad as Brad was hanging out the window yelling I love you ShellyBelly I will never forget you. 

All of a sudden right before our eyes she collapsed in the street we couldn't get her to open her eyes.  We called an ambulance and she was taken to the hospital.  We were there for a week.   The stress was just too much for her.  So when she threatened us we knew we couldn't chance her health or the baby's please forgive us we all wanted to tell you.  Noah looked at us it looked like he wanted to kill someone and said "I do, she can be stubborn at times and you all were just trying to take care of her and my baby the two most important people in my life now but I need to go I want to hit something and the last thing that is needed here is me scaring her and making her upset I will be back, if she needs me call me. I love all of you very much thank you for taking care of my girl she is the love of my life I can't live without her"  He hugged us all, went into the garage and I heard him drive away on his bike.

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