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After dinner we were told by June that the house was set up and they were going out of town and we could throw a party to celebrate and invite the rest of our friends.  Noah looks at her and says "what do you mean set up mom."  "she smiles and looks at him do you really think Noah you pulled a fast one on me all these years.  I have always known about the parties.  Why do you think I kept so much soda in the house."  I grin and say "busted, now let's get this party started."  He raised an eyebrow at me "Well duh, of course I am not drinking.  Hello PG here but that also means you can't drink"  I stick my tongue out at him.  "why not, I am not PG"  "well for solidarity if not you can sleep on the couch, the floor, the guest room but not with me."  "OK you win I won't be drinking either only water and soda just like you"  "Opps what about Brad."  Noah looks at me "well since we are not drinking he should be fine."  June says "nope he is staying with us.  We are taking him to Disney Land tomorrow."

We all get home and sure enough everything is set.  Lee has sent out the mass texts.  Tuppen decides to move a couple of chairs and puts them in the center of the room against a wall and explains that this is where you two will sit to great all your well wishers.  I shake my head at him and give him a big hug.  "Thanks Tuppen.  Thank you for always being there for me."  "Any time Elle."  I look at him and tears start spilling down my face he looks at me and says "hey woah why are you crying Elle."  "That is the first time you have ever called me Elle.  Even after we became friends.  It means a lot Tuppen."  "Well, I realize you are more that just a casual friend Elle."  I look at him and say "You got it Charles."  He smiles and walks off.  Noah pulls me down next to him "Wow, I didn't even know you knew his first name."  "I have Eco with him he puts his full name on his papers so I have seen it."  "Well, I am glad you two are close enough to use something other than your last names but remember you are all mine that ring on your finger proves it."  Rachel comes over now do you want to announce it here or on Instagram.  Noah answers "Here Rachel but I wouldn't mind a pic to put up after."  We cuddle close together and Noah grabs my hand to hold it out to the camera then Rachel takes the picture.

I should have known a Flynn party whether it is planned or very last minute people would come.  Once Noah was satisfied with the turn out he turned off the music and said 

"When I was very little my mom got fat at least that is what I thought and my mom's best friend did as well.  Eventually I realized  that I was getting a little brother who was named Lee and Mary my mom's best friend was having her first baby and it was a yucky girl named Rochelle whom we would call Shelly.  He smiled at everyone.  Yet when I saw her  I thought she was pretty and promised Mary and Max that I would always protect her and  Lee.  About the same time we both decided we didn't like our names we were called so, I opted for my last name Flynn and Shelly went with Elle.  I never thought as her as more than a sister until her 14th birthday.  I realized I really enjoyed having her around and watching her practice for her soccer games.  Yet, I convinced myself that Lee had a secret crush on her.  So, suppressed my feelings for her.  Yet sometimes I would feel her watching me and when I would look I never really caught her until the summer before my senior year.  I had just come home from football practice and I heard her voice coming from Lee's room and it made me mad that she was in there.  So, I made up an excuse to see her.  After teasing her and Lee I sent off a text to invite people over for a party and while I was doing that I actually busted her watching me because she thought I was more interested in my text instead of her.  After leaving her and Lee alone I heard her tell Lee she thought I was hot.  As you all know fate played into my hands and I was able to kiss her at the kissing booth and I realized she felt the same way too.  It has been over a year now and we have had our ups and downs and we have still come out together so much so that not only is she the mother of my children she has also agreed to be my wife.

Everyone cheered and congratulated us.  When I fell asleep that night in Noah's arms feeling like I was floating on air.

THE KISSING BOOTH EPILOG 2Where stories live. Discover now