Time is magic

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"Can everyone wield magic then?" said a voice deep within the now quiet library, as the other three inhabitants had left long ago.

"Yes...and no...." came your answer from Loki, who was sitting close to the fireplace that heated up the large room. Upon his words your face contorted.

"How so? Isn't everyone's Seidr a part of the Yggdrasil tree?" you question.

"That's only partially correct, everyone can use Seidr. However, it is very hard to control for the weak minded. So not everyone truly can," Loki paused for a moment, thinking slowly for his next choice of words he should use to further explain. "everyone has their own personal mark in Seidr, a good sorcerer can tell the difference between others. Think of it in a way of relating to everyone's personal fingerprint. They're all different."

The raven haired man stood up silently to stretch his long legs. He made his way quietly to the fireplace, taking the fire poker in his pale hands. he poked at it, waking it up from it's soft slumber of calm coals back into a feisty flame once again.

Instead of returning to his seat afterwards, he stood over you, the fire poker forgotten back to its original placement. "How long do you intend on staying up?" he questioned, hovering over you like a predator examining its prey.

You glanced over to the window, you could've sworn the sun was just up. But now it has fallen over the horizon, however, the stars were not out to shine this night as the dark clouds covered them, making outside dark enough to seem though you couldn't even see your hand in front of you.

This made you realize the both of you were studying for hours in the library. You hadn't even noticed that Thor and the ladies of the palace left.

Time had slipped away from you as it always did. "I'm a bit of a night owl." you spoke meekly, suddenly feeling shy under his gaze.

Loki didn't say anything for a while, and just when you thought he wasn't going to respond he opened his mouth to speak.

"Time is a fascinating thing..." he said, turning to face the windows. The rain has lightened tremendously, but it still fell lightly against the palace windows. The luminescence of the fire making the droplets twinkle as they danced down the windows.

When Loki finally put it upon himself to sit down, you relaxed. He was looking at you almost too intensely, and you froze. You'd never been one to draw attention to yourself.

"Yes, time is the cause of loss but also the cause of recovery..." as you spoke you looked at the dark-haired prince. This time you really looked at him and noticed how the light of the fire brought out the man's features. His strong jaw line, prominent cheekbones, And just how beautifully his dark hair contrasted against his bright eyes and pale complexion.

"A double edge sword...." he commented, sounding lost in thought for a moment.

Breaking himself out of his trance, he glanced over at you to catch you staring admiringly at him.

Suddenly his mood shifted and his playful attitude returned along with his devilish smirk, "See something you like?" Loki teased. You rolled your eyes.

"Don't flatter yourself, Your Highness, I was only giving my full attention as I've heard it's dangerous not to do so." you fired back quickly.

With a short deliberate laugh, Loki stood, shutting his book and placing it under his arm. He gracefully turned around, beginning to walk away. "And don't you forget that." he spoke, a grin playing at the edge of his thin lips.

Just before loki walked through the doors and left you completely, he stopped and turned his head to you. "We study again tomorrow at the same time, if the skies are clear go to the gardens."

And just like that the raven haired prince was gone. Leaving you to the solitary, peaceful confinement you craved hours ago. For now you were alone with only the fire and books to keep you company, quite lovely company.

Pushing yourself up to stand, you took the book Loki suggested for you to read and left as well.

You wistfully made your way down the large golden corridors of the palace, passing a few servants along the way. You hummed to yourself quietly, thinking about your encounter with the Prince.

When you glanced outside from a rather large window, you could barely see the moon behind the clouds, but it was there shining as bright as it does every night.

Finally, you made it to the doors of your chamber and slipped inside. Kicking off your slippers, you placed the large book onto the soft bed, and went to go light the candle on your desk.

But first you wanted to get comfortable, so you untied your corset and unzipped your dress letting them both fall to the floor in a puddle of fabric. Picking the clothes up, you place them in the hamper and brought out a comfortable night gown to slip on.

Feeling satisfied you returned to your desk, and glanced at a masterpiece at work. You were a young artist, and you were teaching yourself how to paint and draw. This was something you love to do and did often ever since you were a young child.

So you got to work, smoothing any rough edges on the drawning. And did as you always did when it rained, you let the rain melt you into a state of calm.

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