Chapter one: "We're Worth Fighting For"

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Hi guys!! I'm Jade, which Im sure none of you may have any interest in. Anyhow, I would like to say that this is my first published fanfiction, so I apologize if it's not very good. I actually would like you guys to tell me if you like it or not, and depending on what you guys say depends on if I continue or not.

And I am new to Wattpad, so I hope you guys like it. My writing style is very different from a lot of other 1D fanfics I've read, so please bear with me :)

Also I only post from my phone, and don't have a personal computer, so it's a little difficult for me to edit properly and publish often. Just another thing that makes this whole site even more unfamiliar to me D:

And I've seen many other fanfictions include lyrics and songs, and thought it be fun to name every chapter after a lyric or something or throw a verse(or entire song) into the chapter, blah blah blah, more useless nonsense, la de da.

Anyway, enjoy chapter one of "Worth It All The While" :3


Niall's POV:

Niall's eyes wandered over towards the couch Louis and Harry were practically all over each other on for the hundredth time that day, sighing impossibly and rolling his eyes to the ceiling. They were at it again. And it was starting to tick Niall off. No, not starting, it had been a growing agony in his chest, paining him every day he had to see it. It didn't matter where they were. If Harry and Louis were even within the same building, you'd find them attached to each other like glue, sucking the other's face off. Ugh, it made Niall's stomach flip. He coughed slightly, hoping to bring attention to himself, rather than the make-out fest on the couch everyone was no doubtingly trying to ignore. Liam noticed his action, raising his bushy eyebrows in a silent code. Niall shook his head, waving Liam away, pouting his lower lip as he continued watching them.

Sure, to the rest of the world, they were Larry Stylinson, but to Niall, it was the source of his problem, slowly tearing him apart on the inside. Yet no one could see how much pain he was in. He seemed to be pretty good at covering his emotions. Watching Harry all over Louis, abuse and mistreat him... Louis deserved better. So much better. It disgusted Niall how Louis could stay with Harry after all the drama and shit they'd been through, all the nights they'd find them on the floor with the worst possible hangover and pretend it never happened.

But Louis had a secret. And Niall knew that it wasn't that Louis didn't want to leave Harry. It was he couldn't. Louis was trapped. Harry was demanding, and wouldn't let Louis go unless he said so. It was a one-sided relationship. Anyone who stood around them long enough when the cameras were off could see that Harry was in control, and didn't plan on handing over the reins. Ever. It pained Niall to see Louis be given crap every day from an abusive and psycho boyfriend, knowing that he deserved someone who would care and heal him instead of doing the opposite.

Now, Niall wasn't going to lie to himself. He like Louis as more than a mere friend or bandmate for a long time. Niall was in madly love with him. And if he had the guts to admit it to Louis immediately after him and his ex-girlfriend Eleanor mutually separated, maybe he'd be the one holding Louis instead of Harry. Maybe. Or maybe Louis would have cut him down and held it against him for the rest of his already-miserable life. But after the break-up, Louis seemed so casual about the whole thing, shrugging it off to the media it was a decision they made together, when really, he was a mess. He cried himself to sleep for many weeks, going through periods of depression and bad eating habits. He refused to swallow anything for several days at a time before finally giving in the the pain and eating a small amount and going through the cycle again. He'd tire himself out and crash on the floor or the couch or the shower, wherever he was. Louis was unstable. And Harry convinced him that he was the one for him, saying the fans knew they were perfect for each other all along and that he should give Larry Stylinson a chance.

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