Chapter 33

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~~~Weeks Later, Aunjel~~~

It was a Saturday and I woke up with an uneasy feeling. I'm not sure why or whether or not something bad was going to happen but I wish this feeling I'm having would go away. It's really starting to worry me.


I had been crying all morning. For some reason I had been throwing up since I woke up. I had been sick for the past few weeks. These were the exact same symptom that Aunjel had the first few months of her being pregnant.

Scared as hell, I took my mom's car and drove to the pharmacy to get a pregnancy test.

I came back home after only being gone for ten minutes and ran straight to the bathroom. I read the directions carefully and then I took the test. I cleaned myself up and waited for the results.

"I hope I'm not pregnant." I said to myself.


I broke down and cried. I needed to call Aunjel. Just when I thought my nightmare was over.

~~~Phone Convo~~~


"Yea...wait Kyanne are you crying?"

"I'm pregnant Aunjel." I said crying hysterically into her ear.

"Oh my god Ky I'm so sorry baby doll. What are you going to do? Did you tell Sam?"

"No. He doesn't even know about the situation. I haven't even seen him since before it happen other then at school."

"Well what are you gonna do? Did you tell your mom?"

"No. You're the first person I told. I'm gonna have to get an abortion. I can't look at this baby and see the man who took my fucking virginity. I'm scared to tell my mom."

"Well when do you plan on getting this abortion?"

"I'm not sure. How soon would I be able to get it Aunie?"

"Right away I assume."

"Can you take me to get it Aunie, please?"

"Yea. Want me to come get you now?"

"Yes please."

"Ok I'll be there in a few."

I hung up the phone and got my self showered and dressed. By the time I finished flat ironing my shoulder length hair, Aunjel was outside. I locked the door and headed out to Aunjel's car.

"Hey. You ok Ky?"

"No. I was saving everything for Sam. I wanted him to be my first everything...I wanted him to be the father of my child....not Larry. This shit is so fucked up Aunjel." I couldn't help but break down and cry.

She grabbed my hand while still focusing on the road ahead. "I know boo. It's not fair that something that sacred was taken from you but you gotta tell Sam baby. He needs to know."

"I know but I don't want him to look at me differently."

"Ky if he loves you the way he say he does, he won't look at you any differently than who you was when he first met you. You will still be his Ky."

I sniffled a little bit and wiped my tears. "Yea you're right."

We arrived at the clinic and I can't lie I was nervous but I knew it was something that had to be done.

"You sure you wanna go through with this?"

"Yea. I mean I hate that this has to be done but I can't look this baby in the eyes and love it like it needs to be loved. I'll look at this baby everyday and see the man who took my virginity."

"Well you know I got your back 100%."

We walked into the clinic and Aunjel sat down while I went up to the receptionist to fill out papers. I came back and sat down and waited for them to call me back.

"Did you want me to go back with you?"

"No...I'll be fine." I couldn't help but break down and cry into Aunjel's arms.

"It's gonna be ok. Please stop crying you're gonna make me cry."

"I can't help Aunjel I'm scared."

"I'll come back there if you need me to."

"Please. I might need you."

"Ok. I'll come back. Am I able to?"

"I can ask when they call me back."

"Kyanne?" The nurse said looking up from her clipboard.

"I think I'll be ok to go back alone Aunie."

"Ok Hun." I gave Aunjel a hug and went to the back.

I followed the nurse to a gloomy room that had tools and a hospital bed.

"Here sweetie put this on." She said handing me a gown. "I won't look I promise."

I stripped my clothes and put on the hospital gown and climbed on the bed.

"Just relax sweets. This will only her a little bit." She said coldly as she put on her gloves.

Another doctor came in putting on gloves and a mask. I laid down on the bed and stared at the ceiling. Tears sat in the corners of my eyes. A few fell.

"I'm sorry baby." I said to myself.


I sat in the waiting room and waited. I had already been thirty minutes. Ky finally came out.

"You ok Ky?" I asked hugging her.

"I don't know." She cried into my shoulders. "I just want to leave."

"Come on let's go."

We headed out the building and got in the car. The whole car ride she cried and I tried to soothe her. We went to my house and headed upstairs to my room. Arella wasn't home yet so I didn't have anyone to answer to. Well yet anyways.

"Just lay down for a bit ok. Get some rest."

"I'm in pain Aunjel."

"I know baby I know just try to rest ok."

She laid down and fell asleep and soon enough so did I.

~~~3:15, That Night, Aunjel~~~

That uneasy feeling I woke up with yesterday morning didn't leave. I still felt as if something was going to happen. Here it is 3:15 and I'm stressing. I know I shouldn't but I can't help but feel like something was bound to happen.

I was trying to avoid my thoughts by trying to go back to sleep but my phone started ringing.

It was an unusual number but something was telling me to answer it.


"You have a collect call from The Houston Regional Jail, do you except the charges?"

I hesitated at first. "...y-yea."

How y'all feel about Ky getting an abortion???

How is Sam gone act to the news regarding Ky's situation??

Who y'all think called Aunjel from a jail??


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