Chapter 29

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~~~Months Later, August~~~

Aunjel was already five months pregnant. Her skin had that glow and she didn't really gain weight. She was just curvy and pregnant. And emotional. Ever since the day I found out she was pregnant I been on my grind making bank! She didn't notice my sudden cash flow...well yet. Just whatever she needed I brought it for her. As far as my moms she wasn't too happy with me dropping out but I gave her my word that I'd go back one day and my word is gold.


I looked down at my huge belly, today was the day that we find out if we are having a prince or a princess. I was beyond excited. My life has been pretty good these pass few months. I became closer with my brother and sister in law, Arella adopted me so I call her 'ma' now, my senior year is going good, and Sam and Ky are the honorary god parents of Baby Alsina! I'm just loving my life right now.

I went down stairs and waited for Aug to come get me. Not too long after I heard the car horn. I locked the door behind me and waddled to Aug's car.

"Hey baby." I said as I got in the car.

"Wassup ma'." He said as he leaned over to kiss me. "You ready?"

"Yea." I rubbed my belly and smiled.

"How's school ma'?"

"It's ok. You know now that I'm pregnant bitches wanna be buddy buddy, but I only rock with Ky and Erica. But Ky been feeling neglected lately."

"Why? She know you pregnant."

"I know but she says I'm always under you. And that we never hang."

"Well I'm yo boyfriend what she expect?"

"I know baby but I don't want her to think I'm blowing her off or nothing because I'm really not."

August sighed. "Ight ma I see where you coming from. Well when we find out what the baby is y'all should go shopping or something."

"Yea I'll text her now and let her know."

~~~Text Convo~~~

Me: hey boo! Me and Aug finna see what we are having and after we find out the sex I want us to go shopping or something. Just us two. Is that cool?

Ky: OMG yes boo! I can't wait. It's definitely cool. Text me soon as you find out.

Me: ok sugar. Love you!

Ky: Love you more!

We arrived at the doctor's office just in time. We got out and walked in. This time I didn't have to fill out papers or wait to long.

"Aunjel Graziana?"

Aug got up and helped me up and we walked to the back. The nurse led us to a room with posters of pregnant women and the insides of the womb. As soon as I sat on the table I cringed at the thought of a baby coming out of me but I knew it had to be done.

"Well hello Aunjel and August." Dr. Di Stasio said as he came in.

"Wassup." August said getting up and standing beside the table.

"Hi doctor." I smiled.

"Well aren't yous glowing? Baby G is having a baby!" He laughed as he got his equipment ready.

"How yous feeling in there." He said poking my stomach.

I laughed. "Good I hope."

"Yous feel any kicks yet?"

"No." I frowned. "I never paid attention forreal. I'm always either in school or sleep."

"Baby G start paying attention." He laughed.

"I will." I laid back and pulled up my shirt.

He put the gel on my belly. "How's school guys."

"It's good." We both said. I know talking about school made Aug uncomfortable so I hoped he changed the subject quickly.

"That's good to hear. Alright let's see what's in Baby G's belly."

He moved the camera on my belly. Me and Aug looked at the monitor to see a little baby sucking it's thumb. "Aww look the baby got it's hand in it's mouth." I looked at Aug who was amazed at fact that he helped make the little person in my belly.

"So what is it Doc?"

He moved the camera some more. "è una bambina! It's a girl!"

He moved the camera some more and we heard her heart beat.

"Awww our baby girl August."

"Yea that's our baby girl."

"Congrats Baby G! Yous good to go now."

He wiped the gel off my belly and helped me up.

"Now before yous leave I have a few things to say. Ok don't stress. Get lost of rest, and pay attention to the baby's kicks!"

"Ok doc."

With that said he gave us the ultrasound pictures and we got ourselves together and left. When we got to the car I placed my hand on my belly searching for the kick.

I gasped. "Aug!"

"What ma'?"

"She kicking! Feel it." I said grabbing his hand.

"Oh shit ma' that's crazy." He said rubbing my belly. "She straight put her lil foot in my hand ma'."

"Aww babe. She loves her daddy!"

"Daddy loves you too baby girl."

He kissed my belly and pulled out of the parking lot. I couldn't wait to tell everybody we are having a baby girl! Can't wait to pick names.

Sooo it's a girl!!! I'm going to need some baby girl names so please comment names. Any and everyone! Hope y'all liked it. 😘😘😘

Thanks again for the Votes you guys! Comments are welcome too!!

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