Jericho x cute! Child! reader

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((This is we're very one (yes Connor too) are deviants and are all a Jericho))
Requested by : @Kitty18Katz

((I couldn't help the child part AH))
READER POV————<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

The sirens blared in the distances as the hurricane got more rapid with speed.  It sent fear into me yet I was gonna do what mom told me to do.
Find Jericho before the storm. I threw my light blue bag over the rusted fence and crawled under it into a old ship yard.

I dusted off my overalls and fixed the rest of my Awesome outfit, my (f/c) shirt, my dirty grey backwards hat (like the cool skater kids wore them!)and my amazing black boots I found! I picked up my bag and looked at a boat with chipping white paint that spelt out 'JERY-Chio" Close enough to where mom told me to go.

I looked around to see people on deck.
"Hey can I have! Some help please!" I called out to them the looked at me and ran away. So I started looking for away into the boat and I saw a huge crane. I climbed up the escape ladder, I slid at one point and felt my forearm and knee get a few  scrapes on the rusty ladder. It's okay I'm a tuff cookie mom said I am So I will be!

I continued going and I made it to the top. I ran across it and looked at the water down below, Here goes nothing.

I shouted at the top of my lungs.

I landed in the water and rose back up fixing my hat and my back pack as I swam over the the ladder and
Climbed up it.

I got up and crawled in the boat. I looked around and rung out my shirt. I opened my back pack and took out my super flashlight, it's super cause of the spider man stickers on it duh.

I turned it on and started walking down some gross looking hall ways in to a big room. I was on a platform and I felt famous yet I felt it creek and I screamed as i felt my weight being lifted from under neath me.

-DEVIANT CONNOR POV——<<<<<<<<<<<<

Markus was getting him self patched up from a little slip up we had until we herd a loud bang sound and multiple gasps watched the small child lying in the middle of the the room.

Every one gathered around her yet we all backed away when we saw red blood, not blue.

She got up and dusted her self off. Markus walked over to her.
"Who might you be?" He spoke up
"H-hello I am (Y/N), my momma told me to
Come here." She bent down into he back pack and took out a photo of her and a android nanny like Kara yet a different model.

Markus picked up the photo and scanned it, he looked hurt and he then looked at her as she pulled out a box of bandaids. She had different ones, some had small super hero's some were bright colors.

She looked at Markus and she walked over to him, this child was probably only 6 or 7. She picked up a green bandaid and put it on Markus's cheek seeing how he had a cut and it was bleeding.  Markus hugged the tiny being-and lifted them up.

"She will be here with us! And will be staying With us! We will discriminate blood yet we will discriminate how they are a human being!"

People cheered and shouted, they accepted her well. Markus put her down and let her run off.

She immediately ran to Alice and started talking with her while she put band aids on her knees and elbows.

She was cute and I'm glad we get to keep her.

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