8 | Night Out

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Oh don't you dare look back

Just keep your eyes on me

I said you're holding back

She said shut up and dance with me.

-Walk the Moon, "Shut Up and Dance"

Tallahassee, Florida


"Jess!" I exclaimed, running down the hall to what was now her room.

"What's up?" she asked, turning around to look at me, her red hair sweeping over her shoulder.

"Miles just texted! Look!" I thrust my phone at her and she took it from me.

"Oh my gosh" she said, a little snort escaping her throat. "His hair!"

I laughed. "I know... he hates it, I can tell, but I reminded him that literally no one else is hotter in my eyes," I said, shrugging.

"Uniform is sexy though," she said, winking.

"Hey!" Parker called from the bathroom. "I'm literally right here."

"Love you!" she called over her shoulder, and he laughed.

"Y'all are cute," I said, smiling. I meant it; I was really glad Miles and I had introduced them so long ago.

"Yeah, I think I'll keep him," she stage-whispered.

"I heard that!" he called back.

I laughed and winked as I went back down the hall to my room.

As I heard Jessica and Parker goofing around, I grinned to myself. I was really, really glad I had asked her to move in. I honestly couldn't imagine being in this apartment alone right now.

My phone rang and I looked it immediately, my face falling a bit when it wasn't Miles, but my mom.

"Hey Mom," I said cheerily.

"Rachel! How are you, baby?" she asked, and I could hear the concern lacing her voice.

"I'm okay, Mom. I promise. Jessica and Parker are here, and I just got a text and picture from Miles. He made it to boot camp and even got his buzz cut," I told her.

"Oh my, Miles without that gorgeous hair... that just ain't right," she joked.


"Well, honey, I just wanted to check on you and make sure you were okay. I know this hasn't been easy."

I bit my lip. "It hasn't, but I appreciate you being here for me. I love you, Mom," I said, trying to keep the emotion from my voice.

"I love you too."

"Tell Daddy and Jack hi and I love them," I said.

"Of course. Call me whenever you need me."

"I will."

We disconnected the call, and I sat down on the couch, propping my feet on the coffee table.

Pretty soon, my phone dinged with a text message. It was Brittany Flynn, a girl who had been in all my school psych classes. We would be starting the counseling program together in three weeks.

Hey Rachel! It's Brittany from the counseling program.

Hey Brittany! How are you?

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