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When I wake up Thursday morning, I feel much better than the day before. After doing my usual routine, I say goodbye to Lili as I leave the dorm and head towards the cafe.

I order an iced coffee and a bagel, figuring it's better to put something light in my stomach, and then make my way around campus to gather my missing school work. My second class for today was cancelled, due to a family emergency. Which means I only have music and then I can go job hunting.

I'm hoping there's a small library, or even a coffee shop near by so that way I don't have to travel far.

Music goes by fast, and by the time I finish writing in the notes I do not remember, class is over. I make my way back to the dorm, I pick out jeans and a t-shirt, and after a few minutes of looking at the weather, I grab a crewneck too. That's one of the things I love about Washington weather; you can never go wrong wearing a crewneck because it is always raining.

I change and then grab my laptop, looking up local book stores and cafes. After writing down a few, I make my way out of the dorm and to my car. Before pulling out of the parking lot I put the directions in my phone.

I head to my first and favorite choice, and I am hoping that this is the only place I have to go. It's a small library with a bakery attached, named Horizon's Corner, and it's a dream place for me. It's not that far from campus either. I park my car and walk in, the smell of freshly baked foods is evident, and the walls are lined with thousands of books. By the windows, there are a few love seats and couches, there's one bay window and to my surprise there's dust lining the top. How are people not sitting here? I can feel this easily becoming my favorite spot to read.

I am taken out of my trance when a voice speaks, "Is there anything I can help you with, miss?"

I turn around to an older woman, streaks of grey are present as her glasses are laid on her nose.

"Oh, I was actually wondering if you guys were hiring? I saw the posting on the internet and wanted to come by and see if it's still open," I smile.

"In the library or the bakery?" she asks.

"Library, preferably." I answer.

She smiles before telling me to follow her. She leads to me to the counter, she sits in the chair and begins clicking the mouse. After a few minutes, she hands me a few sheets of paper that I need to fill out, so I head to the bay window.

I answer all of the typical questions, and why I would like to work here. When I hand it back to her she tells me she'll give me a call if I have the job or not, and I decide to stay a little longer, not interested in going to the other stores.

I make my way to the bakery, and order a tea before going back to sit down and write in my journal. What seems like a few moments later, I look up and see that the time is now six. Horizon doesn't close until eleven, which is surprisingly late for a place like this, but I'm okay with it because that means I can stay here longer.

I wander around through the mass of books, reading the backs and debating on whether or not I should read them. I have gathered quite the amount, Romeo and Juliet have even made it to the pile, so I decide to head back to the window and set the books down.

I grab Wuthering Heights, my go to, and begin to reread it, getting lost in the words of Bronté. My stomach begins to rumble after a few minutes, and I decide to give the bakery's food a try. There's tables and chairs by the window, and a counter showing all of the candies and pies.

As I am looking at the foods, a familiar voice with an accent appears.

"Can I help you?" he says as he puts on his gloves

I look up, "Harry? Hi."

He looks at me, a little shocked, "Ariana, is it?"

I nod, "I didn't know you worked here."

"No one does. I keep this a secret." He has a look on his face I can't quite describe.


"We will save that for another time. What would you like?"

"Give me the best thing you've got." I say.

He nods his head and hands me me a cheesecake and I thank him.

"I didn't see you walk in, how long have you been here?" I ask as I grab a fork and a napkin.

"About an hour ago. I saw you, but I wasn't fully sure if it was you. You were so into your book, I didn't want to be a disturbance."

"Wuthering Heights absorbs me, but I wouldn't have minded. Thank you, for the cheesecake, I'll let you know if it's truly the best," I smile as I walk back to my seat.

I put my book away and take my journal back out. I begin to write new lyrics, singing the chords and melodies in my head, tapping the beats on my thighs.

"Oh, shit," I whisper yell as a piece of cheesecake lands on the paper.

"What're you singing?" Harry asks as he hands me a rag from his white apron.

I take it from his hands and wipe sticky mess from the paper.

"Oh, nothing. Just some song I remembered," I lie.

He gives me a skeptical look before sitting on the ground, "Lying to me, are you?"

I roll my eyes and he looks at the pile of books I have gathered and takes out Romeo and Juliet. You look at him and you don't picture him to be the kind to be reading a tragedy, the most iconic and remembered.

"I haven't read this, I know they die but I don't know the events leading up to it," he says as he looks at the cover.

"Read it," I say, "and you know, you don't have to sit on he floor, you can sit up here."

"You take the window, I'll take the floor," he opens the book, dismissing me.

I switch from writing lyrics to reading, Harry occasionally leaving to help a customer and coming back with cookies for the two of us each time. It's a calming and peaceful time, and I find comfort in this moment.

When the clock strikes eleven, I yawn and close my book.

"What do you think of it so far?" I ask as he closes the book.

"Not what I expected really," he shrugs.

"Is that good or bad?"

"I'm not sure yet."

I nod my head and gather my things. It's awfully late and I have a nine am class tomorrow. I mentally scold myself for forgetting about it, I should have left at nine so I wouldn't have to rush to bed. I actually should have left after I turned in the application, I should have applied for other places. There is no certainty that I will get this job, I don't know how I could be so careless.

I say goodbye to Harry and head to my car. The drive back to the dorm seems like forever due to my tiredness, and when I get back I take a quick shower before getting into bed.

"Did you find a job?" Lili asks as she rubs her eyes.

I forgot she was a light sleeper.

"Hopefully, I will tell you all about it in the morning." I say.

I fall asleep with lyrics running wild in my head, and figures dancing underneath the moonlight.

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