Chapter 04 (The vanilla colored eyes of Andrew Williams)

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     It’s already been a few weeks since that disastrous met up with my so called husband-to-be. My parents asked me if I would concede; I meekly nodded. Note I did this meekly, without putting any fuss at all. I mean why should I anyway? I’ve thought about it, really thought about it and I guess I don’t care what they do with my life now. As I said I’m a nobody so since marriage is inevitable, I reluctantly gave my approval to this nikah.

     In collaboration with that yes, my parents and his arranged us to get to know each other in a matter of 3 months to get to know if we want to continue with this nikah. Three months was the time limit of engagement if you actually base it on the Islamic perspective. So by the end of those 3 months, it can be a yes or a no between the two fiancés. Again, I entered into this with my eyes half close.

   Fully immersed in my deep thoughts, I bumped into this sturdy wall—or human I guess. I look up. It was Andrew—the guy who always looks at me with a mystery that somehow magnetizes me too sometimes.

    We never really talk since he’s not my classmate, but I kinda hope this year we would have subjects together. Oh no! What am I thinking? Erase, erase, erase!

      The moment of trying to fight my nafsulhawa disintegrates when his lips curved into a delicious smile. To me? Oh wow, this is an auspicious moment. Subhanaa Allah! No Far no! I lost. I couldn’t believe my ears when I said “hey” back to his awesomeness.

     His brown soft eyes sparkle with a hint of color, vanilla and allure. I say vanilla because he seems so pure for a non-Muslim. He had a wavy blond hair, showing off his natty look A prominent nose and fair white skin, almost pale as a vampire. But what attracted me to him before was the way his walk of gaiety like he had no worries at all. It was his positivism that draws people to him and his ever so ready smile, if bestowed upon you; it can light up one’s day.

    Followed by that elation, I suddenly felt awkwardness. I mean what should I do? What should I say or not say OMG. I’m totally panicking. Oh come on Far! He just said Hi! It’s not like he’s going to ask you in marriage? I reprimanded myself. I was about to leave when suddenly, what’s-his-name-oh-yeah-Khalil came out of nowhere.

    “Yooo duuuuude!” he hi’fived my ultimate crush for two years. Andrew Williams, smiles back. He’s the son of a successful English business man here in London, an heir to the Williams co. actually. I was surprised that they were well acquainted with each other when Khalil Saleh was our senior.

      “Huh, you’ve met my pruuuuttyyy fiancé already?” Khalil proudly smiles at me. I’m starting to think he’s way too friendly to be an outcast. And not to mention the fact that my hands were itching to strangle him for blurting the “Fiancé” thing to Andrew.

     Andrew stares back at me with his piercing gaze, I melt a little bit and look away. “Oh, you’re engaged? Congrats dude! Congrats Farhanna!” he warmly smiled.

     I froze again. He knows my name? After 2 years of daydreaming about his silhouette, he actually knows my name? My mind does a somersault. I frowned at this knowing that’s such a weird thought, even from me. But in spite of my prepared speeches in my head, I said nothing. Mute as a wall. I’m such a genius.

    Khalil frowned; he then faced me, giving me another jolt in the heart. What’s this guys trying to do? Kill me? Jeez.

     At this moment, I had the chance to observe his face. Khalil had the shade of the green leaves that contrasted with his wavy black hair, a tall nose, red lips and an Arabian type of sin; beautiful as the night.

    It’s like he wanted to whisk me away but since we were still engaged, he manages to stop himself. He then talks my book, insert something on it then signals me to follow suit.

      I hesitated, leaving the wonderful Andrew Williams behind. “Where are you going with my books?” I inquired. We went upstairs, heading towards my room, he opens the door for me. “Have a nice day Farhaty.” (my joy) he leaves, letting my classmates hears this.

     I stared at his walking figure; my heart is thumping wildly at his sweetness. I opened my book, the note was there; I’ve wanted you, I’ve always have. It’s nice to be tie up with you my beauty ♥ for some reason I had unwanted stirrings at the pit of my stomach. Why oh why? To have such beautiful words complement to you at this early this morning feels like a taste of Jannah. (heaven) I shrug it off, put on my mask and enter the battlefield.

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