Is That You?

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I woke up on the ground, head throbbing. Wait a tick, this is NOT how this is supposed to work. I'm supposed to be dead. I look around me, seeing the rope had snapped and instead of hanging myself, I just fell. But isn't that supposed to kill me?

"You're awake"

My thoughts are cut off by a smooth, settling but slightly arousing voice. I look up.

"Charming?" I question, looking the human up and down before standing up next to him.

"Yes, it is I. I saw you plummeting to your death-"

"Don't ask." I but in.

"Um okayyy I just so happened to be trotting around town on my noble stead when I saw you fall so I swooped in and saved you before you could fall. Wanna come back to my place? Your clothes seem a bit wet." He gestured to his horse as I caught him looking me up and down.

I just now noticed how my clothes were sticking to my skin. I went to get up and groaned. I was tired. He put his hands in mine, blushing, and helped me up that way instead.

He pushed me on the back of his horse, groping my ass a bit. I could feel my face heating up a bit as I was surprised. He jumped on and we rode away to the tower that he called home, as I clung to his back, wrapping my arms around his waist and resting my head into the crook of his neck.

*yet another time skip brought to you by my ever-lasting desire for Michael Mell's hoodie*

The two men arrived at Prince Charming's house. Shrek thought on the way there that his home would be tower-like because he was a prince after all, but he was mistaken. He owned a tower, but it wasn't as dramatic as he thought it would be. It was quite big, but it was homey.

As the prince led the ogre throughout his tower, they found themselves in Charming's room. It was all neat and tidy, nothing like Shrek's swamp.

"H-Here." Charming pushed some of his oversized clothing into Shrek's chest. Shrek, a bit taken aback, accepted the favour and walked into his bathroom to change.

'I can't believe this is happening' Shrek thought to himself. He undressed and examined the clothes he had been given. 'LITTLE SLUT' was printed on the chest of the shirt. Shrek could feel his face burn up as he imagined Charming himself wearing the crop top, bent over his knee, asking for more.

"Shit" Shrek sighed to himself as he felt his pants tighten up. Jesus fucking Christ he's hard for Prince Charming.

He forgot the thought and threw the shirt on. He picked up the long baggy pants and put them on. They were just plain black. Thank god.

By the time Shrek was done getting dressed he was still hard. He da to take care of it somehow... He couldn't just stop thinking because the image of Charming in the shorts were making him crazy. He took out his dick and started rubbing. Hard and fast.

*time skip brought to you by LAFAYETTE* CHARMINGS POV

I could hear slight moans coming from the bathroom. I walk toward the door and knock.

"Shrek? You okay babe?"

"Ah uh u-umm Yeah I'm okay I just stubbed my toe"

"It sounds like you're moaning~" Charming whispered really close to the door.

"Fuck it" Shrek moaned as he swung open the door, revealing himself and without thinking, pushed Prince Charming onto the bed and kissed him passionately. It was gonna be a longggg night.

Nobody Ever Told Me - Shrek Fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now