Watch What You Say

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Chris’ pov;

Great. Out of all classes I had to be late to Mr. Goldman’s class I swear to god I hate this nigga he so annoying and rude. If I ever saw this dude outside of school I would have that ass the only reason I was late was because Karen ass wanted to be on that fufu lame shit don’t get me wrong I love her she my heart  but im tired of the bullshit I strolled into the classroom getting ready to hear this nigga mouth

“well well well look at what the cat dragged in if it isn’t Mr. brown. Is there a good reason why you’re late to my class?” he smiled god I hated this dude

I was about to let him get me but then I got an idea I was sick of him embarrassing me I took a step closer to his desk “ yeah your wife should know” I smiled back I watched as his mouth opened in shock yup I got that ass he reached into his desk and pulled out an hall pass

“ I thought you would of learned by now Chris. It’s April” he said filling out the pass and shaking his head I was shocked by his response it took everything in me not to bust this nigga right in his throat I clenched my jaw and snatched the pass before storming out.

My pov;

It’s lunchtime and I’m hungry as a muhh  I practically ran to that lunchroom  I hopped into the lunch line so quick you would of thought I was on the track team today they had chicken bowl you know: mashed potatoes, corn, chicken bits, and gravy oh yes I got me some of  that then I grabbed a bottle of apple juice and made my way to an empty table since I aint know nobody when I finally did I was getting ready to dive in that food a soon as a picked my fork up I felt a tap on my shoulder turning around slowly I looked up to see a milk chocolate skinned girl who was piercings on each of her cheek dimples she had long straight black weave with china bangs and no homo but this girl had a big ol booty she flashed me a smile before finally speaking

“ hi um… you the new girl right?” she asked placing her hand on her hip

“yeah um gabby you are?” I said looking confused as to what she wanted I was really trying to control my anger cause im sitting over here conversating while my food was getting cold

“ I’m chyna but I can see you’re getting annoyed so let me get right to the point you all lonely over here so I wanted to invite you to sit with us” she said flashing the same smile she did earlier

“Who’s us?” I asked referring to her statement she just made

“Me, Chris, Karen unfortunately, and im sure you already know tyga” she said

I replayed every name in my mind you know so I don’t forget but out of all names tyga didn’t sound human

“tyga?” I asked twisting my face up in confusion

“you know Michael he prefers to be called tyga” she said in a nonchalant tone as if she was stating the obvious

I really didn’t want to go over there but I know she wasn’t going to leave me alone until I did so I grabbed my tray and followed her across the cafeteria soon we reached the table I sat my tray down and sat down

“Gabrielle? What’s up?” tyga asked stuffing some mashed potatoes into his mouth I laughed and nodded my head before taking a bite out of my own food while I was chewing I noticed this light skin girl with medium length light brown hair and light eyes staring at me I guess that was Karen when chyna was going through the listen of names she said Karen unfortunately like she aint like her I aint like the way she was looking at me but  I aint address it…….yet

“Aye ty you know where Chris at?” one of the guys at the table asked

I looked over at ty- I mean Michael and saw him scrolling through his phone not phased by the question “Nah I aint seen him since this morning even then he wasn’t in no good mood”

“god I hope he didn’t disappear because of the argument we had earlier” Karen sighed looking down I heard chyna sigh and roll her eyes

“This bitch” she mumbled Karen’s head shot up so quick you would thought she was possessed I saw Michael look up briefly from his phone before looking back at it

“Excuse me?” Karen asked scrunching her eyebrows and squinting her eyes I could tell that it was about to get real really quick everybody was stuck in they seats waiting for what was about to happened I just stepped into a whole bunch of drama

“You heard me. I’m of sick of you always trying to make things about you! You know chris doesn’t give a damn about you either way!” chyna screamed getting up placing both of her hands on the table I backed up from chyna cause I knew in a few seconds hands was going to start flying and if I got hit even by mistake it was going to be over for these bitches

“ chyna shut up okay. You just mad cause I actually got a man! You been trying to get with tyga for 5 YEARS CHYNA FIVE! And guess what?!? HE STILL DOESN’T WANT YOU! SO DON’T COME AT MY DAMN NECK JUST BECAUSE YOU’RE JEALOUS!” Karen screamed

I swear to god I just walked into some messy shit everybody’s mouth at the table dropped at the same time when Karen mentioned that chyna was trying to get with tyga for five years goddamn. Before I could finish digesting my thoughts chyna jumped over the table and tackled Karen to the ground my first instinct was to back the hell up but I would of felt guilty later even though I hadn’t known chyna for a full day yet she didn’t deserve for her business to be told like that when I zoomed back In from my thoughts I saw tyga and a few other guys standing around trying to figure out what to do I quickly pushed through them and pulled chyna and Karen away from each other I really hated situations like this tyga quickly grabbed chyna and swung her out the way while I didn’t even know I was holding Karen until this bitch had the nerve to push me

“GET OFF ME BITCH!” Karen screamed whipping her head to the side to remove some hair out of her face

Hold up hold up hold up I know good and well this hoe didn’t just push me AND call me a bitch I was going to let her get away with the pushing cause she mad and everything but she went too far calling me a bitch a took a deep breath to calm myself down but that shit wasn’t working time for plan B the approach

" i know good and damn well you did not just put them crusty ass fingers on me! it's obvious you dont know me so im gonna tell you where im from my name is feared in the streets i was gonna let you slide because you was mad and all but you went to damn far and i dont even know your bitch ass like that but i will tell you this put your fucking hands on me again and watch what will happen to your weak ass" i explained getting in her face  

 " what? touch you like this?" she asked touching my shoulder while smirking she opened her mouth to say something but before she could say it my fist connected with her jaw she fell on the floor and immediately i got on top of her and repeatedly punched her in her face she clawed at my face and pushed me off she got on top of me and started choking me when i finally got my strength up i smacked her and threw her over the table next thing i knew i was being lifted in the air by big strong hands 


three guards escorted us to the principal's office so much for a first day 

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