•Chapter 5•

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(Eva's POV)


The next morning the boys ended up sleeping at my mum's house. I woke up to find someone repeatedly hitting my head with a pillow. "Wake up, Eva." someone said. "5 more minutes" I groan, really not wanting to wake up.  "IF YOU DON'T GET YOUR ARSE UP I'M LEAVING YOU HERE!" The voice shouted.  My brain finally started working and registered that the voice was Tom's.

"Alright I'm up!" I get up and do my daily morning routine. I take a shower then dry off. I put on a black long sleeve crop top, blue light skinny jeans and black boots. I decided I was going to put  my hair in a high ponytail for the day. 

I put on light makeup since I wasn't going to really be anywhere today. After I'm done, I run down the stairs to find everyone downstairs waiting for me. "Took you long enough" Tom said rolling his eyes.  "Shut up Tom" I snap, narrowing my eyes at him and find my suitcase and phone and coat. 

"Oh! I'm gonna miss your company with me." My mum said getting teary eyed. "Aww Mum,  don't cry, i'll visit you soon!" I say while giving her a big hug. She gives me a weak smile hugs twice as hard.As  we start walking out of the door and into the car, she starts to wave frantically from the window. I lightly chuckle and wave back. 

I get into their car and plug my headphones in awaiting the long car ride ahead of me.


Once we arrived at their house, My mouth nearly dropped to the ground. Let me rephrase. It wasn't a house. It was more like a mansion. "THIS IS AMAZING!" I scream.  Everyone laughed softly and took me into their house. While I walked in three girls were sitting on the couch. "Eva, This is Nareesha, Kelsey, and some random chick that literally clings to Nathan all of the time." Tom said as turned my gaze to the people who were sitting on the couch. 

I was guessing this "random chick"  was the girl who had blonde hair that almost looked white, a fake tan that looked orange and by the looks of it, she put tissue in her bra? This girl is ridiculously trying a bit too hard considering the fact that we live in London and not California.  

"Oh Nathy poo!!!" The random girl exclaimed. I stood there, mute while awkwardly watching this whole situation."Oh hello girl, not flirting with my Nathy huh? Ahaha just kidding of course you're not." She said in a fake tone while shooting me a wink. "Cringey huh?" Tom said while looking at my face. I slightly nodded and raised my eyebrows. "By the way this is my sister Ariel." Tom said, not even looking at her. "Yah, okay." She replied, obviously brushing what he said off. 

"Are you actually that low that you don't even have the decency to greet her properly without throwing yourself at Nathan like that?!" Tom said angrily. "Tom, shut up! It's obvious plus it's not like anyone even cares! I'm tired of you like, getting all in my business. No one here even like, likes you. You're so annoying! I'm tired of your ugly face getting all up in mine!" Ariel shouted.

"Y'know mate, you don't gotta be rude. He's just trying to properly introduce me here, I mean I know I just moved here but it is clear that you're not the only one living in this household." I said firmly.  "Plus you're in London! Stop acting like you're some kind of valley girl for christ's sake!" Tom added. 

Everyone slightly chuckled at Tom's outburst towards Ariel. I honestly don't blame him for blowing up at her. She IS annoying. "Nathy Wathy!please let's go some place where people aren't rude." She said dragging him away. He gave me an apologetic look. I mentally cringed at the sight of her tugging on Nathan and I shrugged it off and smiled. "That Ariel is somethin', isn't she?" I asked. "Yep that's Ariel for you. Imagine dealing with it every day." Max answered. She's named after a disney princess and I don't know what her parents were thinking but she's definitely not a princess.

"Sorry we never got introduced ourselves" Nareesha I think, said. I shook my head and said "Oh its no problem at all! We were completely distracted by Ariel's cringey actions. It's honestly no worry girly." She smiled brightly and nodded her head towards upstairs and said, "Well now that we've fully introduced ourselves, shall we see your new room? C'mon Kelsey!" Nareesha said. "By the way, who's Kelsey?" I whispered in Nareesha's ear as we started towards the stairs. She quickly told me that she was Tom's girlfriend. I was definitely going to get that little bastard for not telling me he had a girlfriend earlier. 


A/N SORRY I HAVENT UPDATED!!!! OMG IM A BAD PERSON. And sorry the chapters aren't that long. I write a whole bunch but I guess my Wattpad is rigged. Ah well again I am so so so soooo SORRY. (these captions i swear)

Happy #SykesSunday Dino bears


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